The Mime

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"We'll be there in a minute, don't get your ponytail in a twist." (Name) rolled her eyes when the person on the line gave her a few more complaints about how they were taking too long to get there, this only made her sigh. "Blame Adrien, his photoshoot took too long to finish."

Said boy held (Name)'s wrist, the one that was holding the phone to turn it towards him. He gave her a look before speaking, "Sorry for the delay Chloe, I promise you we're almost there."

"Don't keep me waiting!"

(Name) took back her hand once the call ended, leaning back into the leather seat as she closed her eyes.

"It's nice that you thought of doing this." One of her eyes opened up to look at the boy who stared at her with a smile on his lips. "Chloe's really excited."

"Yeah well," A chuckle left her lips. "We never did get to finish our card game. So to quell any hard feelings about you guys losing to me so many times,"

Adrien rolled his eyes playfully at her jab.

"I might as well take you guys somewhere so we could hang out."

Her words intrigued him, after all, (Name) only said they were going out, she never said where or what they were going to do. "What do you have in mind?"

"You'll see when we get there."

Reluctantly, Adrien reigned in his curiosity, knowing it would be futile to keep asking if (Name) was adamant on making it a surprise. The thought only served to make him smile, slowly but surely, he could feel that (Name) was starting to open up. The past tension between them slowly starting to dissipate.

Just in time, the car stopped and not a second later, the door was flung open as Chloe's face appeared. "You guys took too long!"

Adrien only chuckled as (Name) gave the girl a raised brow, gesturing with a tilt of her head. "Get in so we can go already, Your Majesty."

Chloe ignored (Name) as she got in, sitting between the two with the widest smile on her face. "So, where are we going?"

"Calm down, it's nothing grand." (Name) smiled, noticing that for once, Chloe didn't cling to Adrien but was instead sitting there giddily. "Don't be disappointed if it doesn't meet your expectations."

Adrien leaned forward, tilting his head so he could see (Name). It seemed Chloe's excitement was contagious as the two now sported the same big smile on their face. "I won't be disappointed as long as I'm with you two."

His words took Chloe back, she had never heard someone say that. The thought that someone found her presence enjoyable made her feel warm. This time, knowing who she was with, she let herself bask in the moment, getting rid of past hesitations. "Yay! It's going to be so fun!"

(Name) and Adrien shared a smile, feeling Chloe take their hands and gripping them firmly.

'This feels nice...' (Name) watched as the two blondes chattered away to pass the time. She didn't have it in her to pull away from Chloe's touch, not when the girl couldn't stop smiling, looking the happiest (Name) had seen her. Apparently, Adrien thought the same.


"What is this place?"

Adrien asked the question for the both of them. The three now stood in front of the building (Name) could call her own. The two watched as she took out a key, opening the door before holding it for them.

"Well, come on in." (Name) smiled, seeing the hesitation on both their faces.

"You're not gonna ask us to steal for you, are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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