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"So I'll be the person handling the guests today?" (Name) let out a sigh, not believing her luck. "Can't I just stay in the kitchen to help out, Miss Bustier?"

The teacher gave the girl a smile, patting her on the shoulder. "Think of it as an experience, this way you can learn to get out of your comfort zone and learn new things."

She deadpanned, her shoulders slumping. "What if I don't want to learn new things?"

"Now now (Name), think on the brighter side of things." Miss Bustier gently chided the girl, a small laugh coming out of her lips. "You will be meeting new people, who knows, you could make some friends."


Adrien laughed at his friend's thumbs up, watching her drop her smile once Miss Bustier turned around to address the others. His laugh did not go unnoticed by her, which earned him a small glare, one that he only winked at. Although there was still some space between them, he knew things were getting better. That was all he could ask for.

"Glad to see I'll at least have you guys to keep me company." (Name) leaned against the counter, her elbows supporting her weight as she glanced at the two blondes in front of her. A smile tugged at her lips when Chloe had her arms wrapped around Adrien's. "You wouldn't have anything to do with that now, did you Chloe?"

"As if."

Adrien and her did not believe her words one bit.

"Do you have Marinette and Alya on your list, Mr. Bourgeoise?"

(Name)'s attention was snagged by Miss Bustier's question, which prompted her to give the perpetrator a look. 'This also has Chloe written all over it.' "I hope you're not planning on doing anything bad, Chloe."

Chloe gasped, a hand on her heart. "Moi? Doing something bad? How could you ever think that!"

"Can I see that list you have in your hand then?" (Name) smirked playfully, knowing that she caught the girl red handed when she refused to give up the paper. "Come on Chloe, you can't keep targeting Marinette like this."

Chloe turned her nose up. "Why would I care about that Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"

"Could you give (Name) the paper Chloe?" Adrien asked gently, his smile directed at his childhood friend. "Please?"

(Name) knew Chloe was weak when it came to Adrien, and she was proven right when Chloe started hesitating. "Yeah Chloe, listen to Adrien."

Chloe couldn't handle both looks coming from the two, expectantly waiting for her to make a move. She frowned, turning her head the other way as she dropped the paper on the counter. "Fine!"

"Thank you, Chloe."

Said girl's frown disappeared instantly after Adrien spoke. "Anything for you, Adrikins!"

(Name) only shook her head at the girl's antics, briefly checking the paper to read its contents. 'Alya on trash duty and Marinette as the gopher. Tough luck.' She took out a pen and scribbled a few things, making sure her writing was legible. 'That's better.' Once satisfied, she gave the letter to the mayor.

"Ah yes, Alya and Marinette you're going to be helping out with room preparations. Ugh!" The mayor's expression changed instantly once a guest walked inside the lobby, his many luggage behind him.

'That is a crocodile.' (Name) gawked at the animal. 'On a leash.' Her eyes trailed to the person holding onto the rein, seeing a man with black hair that had purple highlights, contrasting against his pale skin. His get up definitely stood out; a sparkly black jacket with yellow highlights and yellow epaulets, paired with yellow and black striped pants.

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