Mr. Pigeon

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(Name) could not help but roll her eyes at the unread messages and missed calls she received. It wasn't even a whole day yet and the twins were practically on the verge of overloading her new phone. She would not at all be surprised if they told her they were on board a plane by now just to check up on her.

Her finger pressed on a few buttons before she put her phone by her ear, barely a few seconds passed when her call got through.

"(NICKNAME)! I was so worried something happened! Are you okay?! Nothing happened to you, right? Please tell me you're okay! Oh God, she's not answering! Cian! We have an emergency!"

Her eyes twitched when she was bombarded with Luke's words, barely able to say anything to calm him down.

"Let her speak you idiot."

"Thank you." (Name) sarcastically quipped, letting out a sigh. "I'm fine guys, my phone just got busted earlier so I had to get a replacement. Besides," She could not help but deadpan. "It's only a few minutes pass the time I usually call you guys. I swear, you two act like the worst has happened when I'm a little late in updating you."

"So you're okay?"

"Yes, Luke. I'm okay. Nothing happened today, no villain attacks." 'Though I'm sure you already know that.' "Other than that, I have to end this call early. I have some things I need to do."

"She doesn't miss us anymore Cian." "Could you stop acting like a child?" "Why are you so mean to me?!" "Luke, I swear-"

"Good night guys. We'll talk again later." She ended the call as soon as she could hear more bickering about to ensue. 'Kids.'

"(Name)." Her head turned to the voice, seeing her aunt peaking her head through the door of her room. The older woman smiled, motioning for her to get up. "Dinner's ready."

Wordlessly, she got up from her bed to follow Anna to the dining room.


"So girl, any progress so far with the blog?" Alya, was amused at the girl's reaction as she groaned in irritation. "I take it that's a no then?"

"I've fixed my layout. But I haven't gotten the chance to do my first episode. I can't ever find the right moment, you know?"

A comforting hand made its way on her shoulder, making her look up at the brunette. "Don't sweat it (Name). The opportunity will come eventually."

"I guess."

The two soon separated ways as they reached class. As always, Adrien greeted the girl with a smile and wave that she reciprocated while she made her way to her seat. "Good morning, Nate."

The redhead smiled. "Good morning to you too, (Name). Got enough sleep last night?"

"I don't stay up that late, Nate. It was one time."

Nathan chuckled at that, watching with mirth as (Name) settled into her seat. "Right."

"Good morning class." Miss Bustier's cheery greeting made the class perk up in attention. The teacher wasn't alone when she entered, and everyone watched with curiosity as their principal made an appearance, standing in front of class. "Mr. Damocles is here with us this morning to discuss a very exciting piece of news!"

'If it's an event, is it gonna be mandatory?'

Once the main gist of the topic was announced, (Name) could not help but doze off. Her interest was gone as soon as she heard the word 'Design'.

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