Niall Imagine

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It is Saturday morning in England where you and your best friend are taking a class trip. You two rebels decided to go out and have your own fun.

"Shush (Y/F/N) you will wake everybody up." You said before giving your Niall poster a quick kiss hoping your bestie didn't see.

"I saw that!" (Y/F/N) said laughing. Y'all walked out of the hotel ready for a full day of fun, but of course you would stop for coffee first!

You walk into the coffe shop and order your favorite, Hot chocolate and you and (Y/F/N) left the shop. As you were walking you got a text from one of your friends that was on the class trip, it said: The teacher knows your gone.

You got angry with your best friend because she made you do this. "(Y/F/N) the teacher knows we are gone! We will be in huge trouble and it is all your fault!" You said as you turned the corner. You stood frozen in your foot steps. You saw One Direction the guys you thought about all night, kissed their posters, and dreamt of meeting them!

"Oh yeah! Well if I didn't drag you out here you wouldn't be able to meet your 'future husband'!" (Y/F/N) said pointing to Niall.

"What the heck (Y/F/N)!" You yell at her/him. You blush of embarrasement. "What?! I saw you kiss that irish guys poster!" Your friend says trying to embarass you. You look over at the boys who are just standing there witnessing your arguement with your friend. Niall was blushing.

"Well. I should go then." (Y/F/N) said and walked off, you stood their ackwardly. "(Y/F/N)" you yell as your bestie walks off snickering. You look at the boys who are waiting patiently for you to say something, then you catch Nialls staring at you admiringly. You squirm in place uncomfortable with his staring. He started to talk, "Boys could you leave us a minute." he says to the lads, they nod and walk off. Harry wiggled his eyebrows and mouthed to Niall, "She is hot". Niall rolled his eyes and waited to speak to you until yall were alone.

"So, you kiss my poster?!" He asked winking, you blush and stare at the ground. When you look up he is up close to you.

"I think that's cute." He said leaving no room in between the two of you. He leans in and plants his soft lips on yours. You smile through the kiss and as you did he pulled back.

"We are snogging before I even introduced myself." I said watching him gaze into my eyes.

"Oh your right, what is your name?" He asked standing right next to you. "(Y/N)" You say.

"Well then (Y/N) can I have your number?" He asked winking. You blush and give him your number. You and Niall have another passionate kiss and you hear oohs and aahs. You pull back and see the lads and your best friend watching while laughing.

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