You make another boy blush

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Louis: You sat down quietly at the dinner table next to your boyfriend Louis. He talked with the guys and you waited for a turn to speak. You knew Louis liked his 'guy time' so you didn't want to interrupt. You put a bite of food in your mouth and soon Harry began speaking. "I think I need to start working out more, you know build more muscle." Harry said seriously, your eyes widened. You let out a chuckle and Harry looked at you surprised, as did all the other boys. "What?" He asked confused, you drew in your breath. "Harry you are one of the strongest guys I have ever met! You have a great body, you don't need to work out." You said kindly, but seriously. And you really meant in, no you didn't like Harry but he had an amazing body. You glanced at him and saw his cheeks were a bright red. Never did you think that you could make Harry Styles blush! Louis glared at him and he hid is head. "Were you blushing?" Niall asked pinching Harry's cheek. He swatted Nialls hands away and quickly denied it. "Just remember Styles, she's my girl." Louis said kissing your cheek, Harry rolled his eyes and the rest of the night you guys messed with him about it.

Zayn: Zayn is an amazing boyfriend that's for sure! It was a hot summer day and the six of you decided to head down to the beach! You excitedly put on your favorite bikini and ran down the stairs to meet Zayn and the boys. Of course you had on an a cover up though. All of you got in the car and Liam was driving, he turned up the music and the whole way you guys jammed out. Finally, you reached the beach and every one got out. You ran down along with Zayn and Niall was trailing behind along with the other boys. You tore off your cover up and started putting on sunscreen. You began to feel uncomfortable and when you turned around you saw Niall staring at you. A smirk played on your lips. "What'cha staring at Ni?" You asked chuckling, Niall looked up and blushed heavily, and Zayn wrapped an arm around your waist. "She is for my eyes and my eyes only." Zayn said dragging you into the water without another word; leaving an embarrassed Niall behind. Poor Niall! :(

Harry: A bowl of popcorn sat in between you and the boys of one direction, yes you heard me right. You plopped down on your boyfriend Harry's lap and he placed a kiss on your cheek. You smiled and Louis rolled his eyes. "Stop with the PDA!" He yelled childishly, which only made Harry kiss you again. Louis shrugged it off and you all started an old fashion game of Truth or Dare. "Okay (y/n)! Ladies first!" Louis shouted in your face, you smirked. "Truth or Dare?" He asked challengingly, you picked truth just to be safe the first round. Louis wiggled his eyebrows and your heart beat quickened. "Besides Harry, who would you kiss out of the four of us?" Louis asked you motioning to him, Liam, Niall and Zayn. Harry tensed under you but you ignored it. Louis obviously thought your answer would be him because he sat there cockily. "Liam, no doubt about it." You answered truthfully with a small smile. Your eyes trailed to Liam and you saw red rise to his adorable cheeks. "Aw looky Liam is blushing!" You yelled playfully, Liam who was clearly embarrassed ignored all the teasing the rest of the night. "You love me more though babe, right?" Harry asked smiling, you nodded and kissed him passionately.


You carefully walked into the living room with a glass of water, it was a bit dark but you could mostly find your way around the sleeping boys. It was around three in the morning and you and the boys were having a sleepover. Everyone was asleep, it least you thought. You skipped around all the boys who were lounged out on the floor, and tried your best not to step on them. Just as you were about to reach the couch you were sleeping on, you felt yourself fall. You held in a squeal as you tumbled onto the ground, and someone broke your fall. “What the heck!” A familiar voice said in a whisper/yell. You realized that you spilt your water on Louis when you fell on top of him. “I am so sorry Louis!” You said apologetically trying your best to dry of his shirt with your hand. “Why are you on top of me?” He asked, you realized that you were literally laying on top of him, and your faces were inches apart. It was dark but it wasn’t that dark, and you could see him blushing. “I uh, I fell and spilt water on you and I am really sorry!” You stuttered out, he laughed and you got off of him. “Its fine love, I kind of liked that position.” He winked and you smirked, thinking that he was joking. But he knew that he wasn’t. “Shut up Louis.” You heard Liam say; you looked over and saw Liam sitting up glaring at him. “Sorry mate! Buts it’s not my fault your girlfriend is hot!” Louis replied, you rolled your eyes and nudged his shoulder playfully. “Whatever Louis.” You said as you lied next to Liam on the ground. He snuggled into you and kissed your forehead.  “What a cheeky boy.” You mumbled as you slowly fell asleep.


“Pass the popcorn babe.” Niall whispered, you didn’t take your eyes off the screen.  The suspense was too much for you to handle, this movie was terrifying. Suddenly the movie paused and the noise of Niall’s cell phone rang throughout the room. He looked at the phone and sighed. “Sorry guys I got to take this.” He kissed your forehead and walked out of the dark room, leaving you sitting on the floor by yourself. Harry pressed play and you watched through squinted eyes, afraid to open them fully. A scream escaped you and everyone laughed.  “Guys I am really scared.” You said, non-jokingly. You looked up and the closet person to you was Zayn. You grabbed his arm and yanked him down on the floor. “I need someone to protect me in case that thing comes after me!” You said as he furrowed his eyebrows. He playfully rolled his eyes and sat closer to you than before. But you didn’t mind. Scary music began to play and you watched as a man with a knife came closer to the unsuspecting old lady. “Aaah!!” You yelled seeing blood spatter everywhere. You quickly dug your head into Zayn’s chest and he tensed. A laugh came from Harry. “Zayn? Mate are you blushing?!” He yelled, you glanced up and sure enough he was. But you couldn’t care less, all you could care about was your safety! Soon Niall came in and eyed you as you buried your head deeper into Zayn’s chest. “Alright Zayn I can take over now.” Niall commented, Zayn unwillingly got up, but you didn’t notice that. Niall replaced him and you watched the movie without any more screams… just kidding you were still horrified….


I think we were pretty good if I do say so myself! Please vote and if you want leave me requests of preference ideas that I can do in the future! :D Love you all babes!!



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