Special Imagine

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Hey guys, this is really important so please read:

Have you heard the new song 'Diana'? Well here are my thoughts on it, and if you haven't heard it then go listen to it now before reading this. (One Direction Diana)

Princess Diana self harmed and had depression, which was the inspiration for the song. The new album is called Midnight Memories for all of the fans who stay up till midnight deciding if they should commit suicide or not. They also put a crown on Our Moment Perfume to show that all the fans are princesses.

And people wonder why I love these five guys so much. They took the time to write this song, just to show us directioners how much they care. You must think that your just another Directioner, but your not! Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Zayn all care about us and love us unconditionally, even though they have never met us... (unless you actually have met them)

I know that even though they don't know me, that all of them love me. And you should know that to!

Everything they do is for us, and we all need to stop the arguing about 'Larry' and all this stuff about bromances. We need to put aside our disagreements and enjoy the fact that we all belong to a family, and that is fellow directioners. We should all understand that it doesn't matter what we think about Larry or their girlfriends. It is their decision and we are here to support them, not make them upset.

I don't care if you are a Larry shipper, or anything else (lilo, zarry, ziam shipper)

'Diana' made my day and gave me strength, just like all of the boys. Please talk to me if you have any personal issues because I don't judge anyone, just come to me if you need a friend.


Diana, let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes

You've been lonely you don't even know me, but I can feel you crying

Diana, let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life

I don't think you even realize but baby you've been saving mine


I wanna reach out for you, I wanna break these walls

I speak a different language but I still hear your call

Those lyrics were directed towards us, and take it to heart. Search for the meaning behind the lyrics, and just let it sink in. I love you all! Thanks for reading this, and now for the imagine!


You walked into the arena with a huge smile on your face, your heart skipped a beat and you wanted to pinch yourself just to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Girls screamed from everywhere around you, and you slowly made your way down to the front row, yes you heard me right. Front row!

You couldn't speak, you could barely move. This was just so unbelievable.

The lights went out but screams were still heard, you heard an angelic voice and swore that your heart stopped.

"Hello princesses!" Yelled a voice that could only be Louis'. The crowd cheered and as did you, and you still couldn't see anything. Soon blinding lights shone on the stage and you saw all five of them.

A tear escaped your eyes and you looked at each of them. Harry looked perfect, Liam looked perfect, every one of them looked perfect. This was exactly how you imagined it, just perfect.

"To start off the concert we would like to sing our new song, 'Diana." Harry started, you started jumping up and down. "We know its still the Take me Home tour but since it was leaked, we will go ahead and sing it." Zayn said into the microphone.

Again a tear escaped and all the boys took their places. This was a serious song so they weren't playing around...

The music started out faint but soon got louder and you could hear the beginning of the song.

You screamed and cheered the whole time and let the lyrics sink in, and you felt like breaking down and crying.

It was amazing that five people could mean so much to you, but they did. All of them some how gave you strength to get through life.


Soon the song, and whole concert was over. And it was just amazing...

Your heart race increased as you realized it was time to head backstage. You grabbed your backstage pass and took it to a security guard who led you to the back with one other girl who was lucky enough to have the same privilege.

You could hear nothing but your heart beat as you walked into their dressing room. Patiently you sat down and waited. The other girl didn't say a word and neither did you.

You could hear laughing coming down the hall and you instantly straightened up, soon five boys walked into the dressing room with smiles.

The girl before you talked most of the time and you just sat there, she was being kind of greedy. Finally though, she left leaving the six of you.

"So love what's your name?" Niall asked you, since you were quite shy your response was barely audible. "(y/n)..." You stuttered quietly, Louis smiled and so did everyone else.

"You don't have to be shy darling." Louis said, you blushed and repeated your name louder. "Well its great to meet you! Did you enjoy the concert?" Harry asked, you nodded with a smile.

You looked at the clock and realized you only had a couple of minutes, and you had to tell them what you really felt, it was now or never.

"I just want to let you all know that I love you so much. All of you mean the world to me, and to be honest you have given me strength. Your music gives me a feeling that I have never had before. People wonder why I love you all so much, but they just don't understand. Your not just a boyband, you're my idols. Each of you have been a huge inspiration to me, and I just want you to know how I felt." You finished in one breath, you blushed realizing all of them were staring at you with a huge smile.

"That is one of the nicest things we have ever heard. We are so glad that you feel that way." Zayn said and surprisingly came to hug you, you didn't think before you hugged back.

"We love you too love!" Liam said and they all hugged you at once. Oh gosh! Your dream come true, a group hug with one direction!!

"Thank you guys..." You whispered holding back tears.

From then one all of the boys would think about you, and you helped them know that they do help people in life, and that they are an inspiration.


Hope you liked it! :) Please vote and what not!



P.S. Stay dedicated!!  

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