Niall Imagine- Part One *request*

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This was a request, hope you like it Adair!


Your P/O/V

"Good night! I love you all!" Harry yelled into the microphone. All the fans started screaming loudly and the stage lights went off. The next thing I know all five of them are running back stage. "That was amazing Niall!" I yelled as he engulfed me in a hug.

"Thanks (y/n)." He replied while breathing heavily, he smelled horrible but any chance I got to be in his arms, I took it. "I am so tired.. lets head back to the hotel." Niall said after a long pause, everyone agreed and we all went out to get in the car.

Yes, Niall Horan is my best friend. But sadly nothing more... I am in love with him but he wont ever feel the same. Even though it broke my heart to know that it was true, I just had to deal with it.

"Hey (y/n) are you okay?" Niall asked in his thick Irish accent, he rested his hand on my shoulder and I felt tingles. "Y-yeah I am fine." I replied with a fake smile, he obviously wasn't convinced but let it slide.

All of the guys started talking about the concert as we started driving towards the hotel. I sat in silence and just stared at Niall. His flawless face and beautiful laugh gave me butterflies. And his eyes... were just so hypnotizing.

I was snapped away from my thoughts when I felt my phone buzz. I unlocked it and felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

 From: Louis:

I saw you staring at Niall!!! Does someone have a crush?? (;

I looked up at Louis and he was smirking at me. I gritted my teeth and began typing away quickly.

To: Louis:

Shut up! And I do not! We are best friends and nothing more

I again, looked up only to see him roll his eyes, he obviously didn't believe me.

From: Louis

Come on (y/n) I know you do! Every one knows except Niall. But I wont tell him I promise.

I sighed in relief and smiled at Louis in a thankful way. I slid my phone back into my pocket and we pulled up to the hotel. Every one got out and I saw Louis whispering to Harry, and then Harry whispered something to Zayn, who of course whispered it to Liam.

All of them turned towards me and smirked, I glared at Louis who just shrugged. We all made our way to the hotel room and I walked in silence.

"Wow mates I am tired." Louis said yawning, everyone agreed except me and Niall. "I'm wide awake!" Niall yelled cutely, I smiled. "Okay well since you and (y/n) don't seem the least bit tired, you guys can stay up. But me and the lads are going to head to bed." Harry replied, he winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine by me." Niall responded as he pressed the elevator button. We went up to the ninth floor and the two groups went their separate ways.

Niall and I reached our hotel room. "I need to shower but wait up for me, yeah?" He asked, I nodded and he went into the bathroom. I let out a deep sigh as I plopped onto the couch.

I turned on the TV and waited for him to get out of the shower. I heard the bathroom door open and looked over to Niall. My eyes were glued to him. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist and his skin had water dripping off of it. My eyes then traveled farther up to his perfectly toned abs and biceps.

"Like what you see?" Niall asked with a smirk, I tore my eyes away and felt my cheeks heat up. "You wish." I replied, he scoffed. "Please I know you want me!" He joked with a wink, it became awkward between us.

"(y/n) I was kidding." He said with a chuckle, I fake laughed and looked away while he changed into his clothes.

"Did you have a fun time at the concert?" He asked sitting beside me, I turned away from the TV. "Yeah it was awesome!" I replied with a smile. He nodded and we sat in silence for a minute.

I felt something soft bang against my head and I let out a gasp. I snapped my head towards Niall who had a huge smile on his face. He let out a chuckle and hit me again with the pillow. "Oh its on!" I yelled and grabbed another pillow.

I stood up and started hitting him repeatedly. "Stop!" He yelled, I giggled and jumped off the couch. He chased me and I ran to the bed and jumped on it. I grabbed a second pillow and he jumped onto the same bed.

He looked serious and then I hit him with the pillow. He smiled and tackled me to the ground. I fell onto the hard carpet and Niall crashed down on top of me.

"Ouch!" I yelled, Niall laughed. "I won." He stated cockily, I rolled my eyes. "No I did!" I protested while looking into his bright blue eyes. They looked as though they were sparkling. He didn't say a word... and neither did I.

I wished I could just smash my lips onto his, and before I could stop myself, I did. His soft lips touched mine and I finally had gotten up the courage to do what I have wanted to do for the last four years.

But my heart dropped when he pulled away. He quickly stood up and I followed his actions. "I cant believe that just happened." He mumbled running a hand through his hair, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why did you do that!" He yelled at me, his face a bit red. I was extremely hurt and confused. "What do you mean?" I asked quietly, pushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"Why did you kiss me?" He asked louder, taking a step closer to me. "You kissed back!" I retorted, he didn't say anything. "Well its fine I guess... lets just agree never to speak of it again. It was a complete mistake." Niall responded, a lot calmer now. I could almost feel my heart break into tiny pieces.

"Yep... a complete mistake." I replied, although to me it wasn't.. But I knew he didn't feel the same. I wish I wouldn't have thought for a second that he did. Obviously he will never, ever, love me the way I love him.

"Alright. Wanna do something to get our minds off of that whole incident?" He said with another chuckle, I shook my head. "No I uh, I am a bit tired. I will see you in the morning though." I replied, before he could say anything else though I walked out of the hotel room with tears welled up in my eyes.

I completely regret that...


Okay well this is just part one to this imagine! Sorry if it stinks and I will try to update soon! Thank you for requesting Adair! And I hope you (especially) liked it! :)

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