You Reject him

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I know... I haven't updated in the freaking longest time! But hey, I have been busy with school and crap. Any way, please vote and follow. :) Okay here goes... Oh and just so you know, all of these are in his pov. These are only Harry, Liam, and Louis. I will write more tonight, I just wanted to go ahead and post these! :)


Harry: His P/O/V

I walked into Louis's flat and heard yelling and laughing. I instantly recognized (y/n)'s voice, and Lou's of course. "Hey guys!" I yelled as I walked into the living room. Louis smiled at me but I focused most of my attention on (y/n), his best friend. I really like her, I think I maybe am even in love with her. I haven't told Louis but I think he knows... he always mentions her and talks about her just to see my reaction. So he probably does know. "Hey Haz! Your late!" Louis sassed, I playfully rolled my eyes and sat on the couch next to (y/n). "Whatever Lou," I mumbled pushing hair out of my face. I smiled at (y/n) and her charming smiled was plastered on her face. I love the way her eyes sparkle and her smile lights up the room, well to me that is. "So..." (y/n) trailed off with a small smile. "Hey (y/n) I need to go pick up the rest of the boys, will you be okay here with Harry?" Louis asked as he checked his watch and stood up. "Yeah sure. Just hurry back." (y/n) replied with a smile, Louis winked at me but (y/n) didn't see thankfully. "How have you been?" She asked as soon as the front door slammed shut, I shrugged and leaned back on the pillows. "Fine I guess, you?" "Same here." I nodded and we sat in an awkward silence for a bit. "Louis said you've got a little crush on someone, but wont tell him. So he told me to try and get it out of you." (y/n) said and hugged her knees to her chest. An evil smile spread across her face and a blush rose to my cheeks. "I don't have a crush on anyone." I lied, (y/n) scoffed. "Louis said you do." She retorted, I sighed but she didn't give up. "Oh do you have a crush on..." She thought for a second but I knew she would never guess herself. "Ashley?" She finished, I shook my head knowing she was talking about another one of my friends. "Uh, Grace? Natalie, ooh... I know! Jessica!" I shook my head at everyone and she continued to guess. I soon grew frustrated that she wouldn't just give up. "No (y/n)! Its none of those people! Do you want to know who it is?!" I asked a hint of irritation in my voice, but obviously she didn't take it very seriously. "Uh, duh." She responded with a smirk, I drew in my breath. "I have a crush on you." I said a bit more calm, I waited for her reaction. "Oh... Harry I don't really feel the same way. I have my eyes set on someone else." Her words stabbed like knives... my heart was broken, I was in love with her. But she wont ever feel the same. I tried to hold back tears as I managed to choke out a couple of words. "I understand." I replied looking down. "Good. I really like Louis though, do you think he likes me back?" She asked, she obviously didn't see how much I was hurting inside, although I am surprised it wasn't evident on the outside too. "I am not sure. But I uh got to go." I replied, before she could respond I walked out the front door and hopped into my car. The lump in the back of my throat seemed to be getting bigger as I let my tears fall. A sob escaped my mouth as I drove off; with my heart in pieces.

Liam: His P/O/V (y/e/c: it means your eye color, just a heads up)

I walked into (y/n)'s house carrying grocery bags in my hands. I leaned over to seat them down on the ground next to the small island in her kitchen. "(Y/N)!" I yelled, I didn't hear anything, I shrugged and walked to the staircase. With each step, her carpeted steps creaked. Still, I could hear nothing. I began to get curious as to why she hasn't replied to me yet. I called her name once more, but by then I was at the top of the staircase. I walked down the hall to her bedroom, her door was closed and I reached out to open it. The door was locked. "(y/n) you in there?" I asked, softly knocking on the plain white door. Still nothing. I waited a couple minutes before trying to pick the lock with an old penny that was in my pocket. Finally, the door busted open in a swift motion. I looked into her perfectly clean room and spotted her lounged out on her bed. A small sniffle came from her, and I instantly knew she was crying. "(y/n) what's wrong?" I asked walking over to the bed. I placed my hand on the small of her back and felt sparks course through my veins and across my skin. Its sounds cliché but its true. She didn't reply and I sat on the bed slowly. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to my chest. She cuddled into me and I could feel my shirt getting wet as more tears came from her. "Shh." I cooed rocking her back and forth. I stroked her hair and tried to calm her down. She finally stopped crying and we were both silent. I was just enjoying having her in my arms. I have always been in love with her... although were best friends. "Could you tell me what's wrong?" I whispered into her small ear. "H-He cheated... on m-me." She managed to get out, I felt anger build up inside me. I knew her boyfriend was no good. Its not only because I was jealous though, he never treated her right, even a blind person could see that. "I am so so sorry. Do you want me to beat him up?" I asked seriously, she let out a giggle and shook her head. "No Li, its fine. I just don't know why..." She trailed off as another tear slipped out. She sat up and her piercing (y/e/c) made contact with mine. I felt like I got lost in them. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and I noticed how terrible she looked. Not terrible, but terrible as in sad and upset. "He wasn't worth it (y/n), you need someone who loves you for who you are. Someone who.." I paused and decided now was the time. I have been hiding it for to long and now just feels like the right moment. "You need someone like me." I finished, her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you suggesting?" She asked suspiciously, I drew in my breath as my heart rate increased. "(y/n), I really like you. And I have been waiting a long time to say this, but will you please be my girlfriend?" I asked with hope in my eyes, she gave me a sympathetic look before shaking her head. "I am sorry Liam but I don't like you that way." She replied, I nodded as I held back tears. "I uh, totally understand." I replied, but I couldn't be there with her. I instantly got up and didn't wait for a response, I just walked out of her house; with tears filling my eyes. I just lost my best friend and to top it all off she doesn't love me back...

Louis: His P/O/V

"Hurry up Louis!" Harry yelled to me, I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen with popcorn and drinks. I sat them down on the coffee table and joined the guys on the floor. Just as I sat down (y/n) came out of the bathroom. I couldn't help but have my eyes glued on her beautiful face. All the lads knew I liked her, but she doesn't know thank goodness. Once we were all seated Zayn plastered a smirk on his face. "Who wants to play truth or dare?" He asked, (y/n) groaned and threw her head back. "Do we have to?" She whined running a hand through her hair. "Yes! We do!" Harry playfully yelled at her, she let out another groan but finally agreed. I had nothing against it so why not play? "Okay lets see.. I'll go first." Niall said in his thick Irish accent. He eyed my suspiciously, and smirked a bit. "Louis; truth or dare?" Niall asked, I thought for a moment and decided that I should start off with truth for the first round. "Truth." I replied confidently, he looked to me and then (y/n) and my heart race quickened. "Who do you like?" My eyes widened and I stuttered a bit. "N-Never mind I chose dare!" I responded, Niall shook his head and I could tell all eyes were on me. "You have to Lou." He replied, I gulped and straightened up a bit. I looked down at the carpet beneath me. "(y/n)..." I mumbled, only Harry heard, since he was sitting right next to me. "He said (y/n)!" Harry yelled, my cheeks heated up and I slowly lifted my head, only to see (y/n) with wide eyes. I avoided eye contact and Zayn spoke up. "(y/n), truth or dare?" He asked, I was thankful he was changing the subject, but I thought too soon. "T-truth." She replied, still in shock. I felt completely humiliated. "Do you like Louis back?" Zayn asked her, with a suggestive smirk. She violently shook her head and I felt my heart drop. "Sorry but no, Louis I don't like you that way." I hung my head low and thought up of a way to get the attention away from me. "Hey who would? I am too goofy for anyone to like me." I said with a fake smile, every one, thinking it was a joke, began laughing as I made funny faces. That's how I have always recovered from embarrassing, awkward, and heartbreaking moments. Humor. On the outside I was smiling, but on the inside I was breaking...

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