Liam Imagine for Luzeth

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It was late when you got a call on your mobile phone. “Hey (y/n), I need you to do me a favor!”, your boss asked. Oh God, you thought. Tomorrow was suppose to be your day off and you knew she was about to call you in. “Sure, what’s up?”, you replied. “I need you to go to Madison Square Garden tomorrow, there’s a pop group performing there and they need help with set up.” You rolled you eyes and did a quiet sigh. But you needed the money. “Alright, what time?”, you asked. “6AM, thanks, you’re a life savor!”, and she hung up the phone. You wondered what pop group. They have to be huge to be playing at MSG. You plugged your phone into the charger and climbed into bed. You’ve got a hell of a day ahead of you.

The arena was packed with all sorts of people. You showed your badge to security and they led you to your crew. “Alright, who has the planner?”, you asked. The planner let you know who was performing and where stage props went. Some tall girl with glasses handed you the planner. “Thanks.”, you said. ‘ONE DIRECTION’, was written in bold lettering at the top of the planner. Your mouth dropped. You were a huge fan, with a crush on Liam. ‘Stay Cool’, you told yourself. You started working to get your mind off of it.

Everything was done. The stage looked awesome. You got it done within 3 hours. Finished 2 hours early! “Great job you guys!”, you shouted. Everyone clapped and cheered with the progress. “I need someone to check the sound equipment..Dylan…and Jess. Go ahead up stairs to the sound room.”, You ordered. You looked at the planner again making sure you didn’t miss a thing. “One Direction are here!”, you heard someone shout. You started to panic. You knew the boys would come out and introduce themselves. Suddenly, the doors in the back flew open. There they were. There was Liam. Walking towards you, with the cutest grin you’d ever seen. “We wanted to thank you for your hard work, the stage looks great!”, he said while taking your hand and planting a small kiss onto it. You felt faint. You knew you would pass out if you didn’t sit down. You found a chair and put your head between your knees. “Are you alright?”, you heard him ask. But you couldn’t answer. If you opened your mouth you would vomit from excitement and nervousness. You heard him laugh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you nervous.”, he said while rubbing your back. You turned around. “Is Liam Payne rubbing my back right now?”, you asked, immediately embarrassed. He laughed again. “Yeah I am! Problem?”, he teased. You got up slowly and walked towards the back hall way where the dressing rooms where. “Hey where are you going?”, he shouted from behind you. You didn’t dare stop, you kept walking. You needed water. This was a dream, and you wanted to prove it. You walked all the way to the break room. It was full of water jugs and vending machines. You got yourself a cup of water and started downing it. “Thirsty?”, you heard him ask from behind you. Without turning around you just nodded. “I really am sorry!”, he said. He wasn’t going away, and you didn’t know why. “No i’m sorry…”, you said while turning around to look at him. He had a smug grin on his face and his eyes were dead on you. “For what?”, he laughed. “For being a total idiot.”, you said. He just smiled and walked towards you. “You’re cute.” You felt your heart race. Liam just called YOU cute. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He took your hand again, and rubbed his thumb over it. “If you’re feeling better, would you like to go for some coffee after the show?”, he asked. You felt faint again. “S…sure.”, you stuttered. He laughed again. “You’re funny!”, he exclaimed. You felt yourself blush. He bent down and kissed your hand again. “See you in a few hours, beautiful.”, he said while letting go of your hand and walking out of the room. You found a chair and sat down. You couldn’t believe what just happened. You got a date with Liam by acting like a freak! You were so glad you agreed to come in on your day off.


This isn't mine! Sorry Luzeth but I was really tired and you have been waiting a while so here you go! Again sorry guys, but credit to whoever wrote it!! :)

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