Zayn Imagine

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"Where are we going?" You whined as you glanced at the clock, you and your best friend Niall had been driving for an hour and he still didn't tell you where you were going.

"Would you shut up?" He yelled at you, you groaned and he chuckled. "Don't worry we will be there in ten minutes." He told you, you smiled but it soon faded. "Where are we and where are we going?" You repeated growing annoyed, he sighed.

"Take the wheel." Niall replied, you rolled your eyes and horribly drove for him as he grabbed something out of the back of the car. He sat straight up and he had a shirt in his hand. It was red with a logo on the front that said 'Fun Fair' (stupid name I know)

"What's that?" You asked extremely confused, he took off his shirt and put that one on and you were still confused.

"One of my best mates needed me to cover for him, he can't make it to work." "What's his work, and why am I coming?"

"He works at a fair, and he does the Farris wheel, It's only two more days that it will be up and running. It only comes at Christmas." He explained, you chuckled crossing your arms.

"Niall Horan, from the most popular boy band, working at a fair like a normal person? Are you sure Ni, you don't want to be low class like us." You said sarcastically, he gritted his teeth.

"Are you going to sit in a throne made of gold while you work the Farris Wheel? Do you even know how, cause I thought the only thing you knew how to do was sing and be the pretty boy you are." You added smirking, his knuckles were now white.

"Would you stop (y/n)! You make me sound like a horrible person!" He yelled at you speeding up, you suddenly felt bad. "Ni I am kidding, while you forgive me?" You asked giving him puppy dog eyes, he didn't reply.

He continued giving you the silent treatment and you reached your destination. The fair was beautifully decorated in Christmas lights and it was just amazing. Little kids were everywhere running around with toy elves and things, which made you, smile.

You glanced around and saw the other four boys. Smiling you ran towards them, they were too your best friends, not as much as Niall though of course.

"(Y/N)!" Louis and Harry yelled running towards you, you jumped up and hugged all four of them. "Hey guys, I didn't know you were coming!" You say, they smile and reply, you all five started walking back towards Niall who has his hands stuffed in his pockets.

He said hi to the boys but didn't even look at you. As the six of you walked to where Niall was supposed to be working, you decided that you needed to make it up to him.

You snuck up behind him and jumped on his back, he groaned. "Get off of me (y/n)." He commanded, you pouted.

"No. I want you to forgive me." You said in a baby voice, the guys looked at you and chuckled. "Pweeeassseee." You whined, Niall groaned but chuckled. "Fine I forgive you." "Yay! I love you." You said pecking his cheek, he smiled.

"I love you too."

He was told what to do in order to work the Ferris Wheel and the rest of the boys spilt up while you stayed with Niall, just as all four were leaving Niall yelled to Zayn.

"Hey mate come take a spin with (y/n)!" Niall yelled, all the boys smirked and walked off leaving Zayn. He shrugged and walked over to you smiling. "Let's go!" He said, Niall winked at you without Zayn seeing and you mentally stabbed him multiple times.

"Snuggle up buttercup!" Niall said pushing the two of you into the seat, you fake smiled at Zayn but glared at Niall, who again just winked at you.

The rest of the people got loaded on the huge thing and it began to spin. You smiled and felt the cold air hit you making you feel refreshed.

"It's a beautiful view." You whispered looking around, you glanced at Zayn. "Yes it is." He agreed and there was an awkward silence. "How are you doing... since the whole um," You paused awkwardly, "break up thing." You finished slowly, Zayn smiled and gave you a thumbs up, he was so adorable.

"I am better now, it's been odd not having Perrie around, but I have my sights set on someone else." He said not being very specific, you mentally sighed.

As soon as you were at the top you gasped at everything, this was most definitely the most perfect moment. You were with Zayn too, which made it more special. For you it was big, but for Zayn it was probably no big deal, he didn't like you that way.

You looked around and you and Zayn made eye contact, you inched closer to him barely enough for him to notice. It was so magical, you could just kiss him at any given moment, it is after all the most beautiful and romantic setting ever. It would be perfect.

Your thoughts were cut off by a slight jerk and stop, your heart beat quicken and you realized what happened, the roller coaster stopped!

"Please tell me I am imagining this and we are moving..." You shut your eyes tightly grasping onto the side of the kart. You pursed your lips. "Can't say that we are love..." Zayn trailed off awkwardly, you suddenly were very alarmed.

"Oh no. Oh no." You repeated trying to calm yourself. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked putting his hand on your forearm.

"I uh... I'm afraid of heights." You managed to get out, you heard a small snicker. "It's not funny!" You said opening your eyes just enough to see Zayn laughing a bit. "Sorry." He said still smiling, you rolled your eyes and looked down at Niall glaring, he shrugged and gave you an apologetic smile.

"I am going to kill him when we get down from here!" You said, a couple of other passengers heard you and gave you strange looks. "Why?" Zayn asked, your eyes widened. "It's not like he made you get on this." He finished slightly amused.

"Yeah but..." You started desperately trying to change the subject. "Whatever the point is we are going to die!" You yelled, everyone groaned at your comment. You continued to panic and silently scream, the passengers were getting annoyed with you.

"Sorry ladies and gents, we are trying to fix the problem as soon as we can." Niall's voice said, you gritted your teeth. "Oh and (y/n), please.. Shut up!" Niall yelled the last part and you pouted, how rude.

"To pass time let's play 21 questions." Zayn suggested, you nodded in agreement. "You’re first." You told him, he thought a second.

"Do you like Niall?" He asked, you shook your head rapidly. "No! Not at all!" You half yelled, Zayn fought back a smile. "Okay... let's see, who is the one that you have your 'sights set on'?" You asked, he blushed, and that was rare for Zayn.

"I uh, can you ask another question?" You smirked and shook your head; he started rubbing his palms together out of nervousness.

"You." He said quietly, you blushed. He didn’t let you say anything before he asked another question.

"Do you like me?" You nodded with a small smile. "Yes." You replied, Zayn took your face in his hands and smashed his lips onto yours. What seemed like the worst situation got incredibly better with one kiss. And it was also the start to a loving relationship.


I know it’s completely unrealistic but that’s why it’s called FAN FICTION! Okay vote, request, and give me ideas for preferences, love you bye! I know it sucks BTW

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