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hyeongjun has burned a small hole through the wall of the ship, so jooyeon could bend some water out of the sea and use that to heal the wounds on hyeongjun's back.

"this is our chance to kill king oh" the elder said,
blinded by hate. but jooyeon didn't see it any other way.

they could end it now. hyeongjun and jooyeon had enough wrath against the king inside of them, their parents dying just because of his cruel doing.

"we could" jooyeon sighed, looking at the scars the wounds left on hyeongjun's back. "but we'd have to get out of here first"

it was silent for a few moments. then hyeongjun remembered something. "what did you do before?" he asked surprised, probably meaning jooyeon controlling the earth king's body.

jooyeon had no idea himself. "i remembered gunil and jiseok being able to take away the air in human bodies, so i did the same with blood, i guess?"

"you're amazing, you know that?" he felt honoured to hear that. it meant a lot to hear that from someone like hyeongjun.

they started thinking of a plan on how to get out. and this plan was mostly based on luck. "they're searching for us" hyeongjun informed them, feeling gunil's presence grow stronger. they'd just had to hope that they'd find him on time.

hyeongjun burned a big hole through the wooden ground, allowing the icy water of the sea flow inside the room they were trapped in.

after figuring out that they were at the deck of the ship, they knew that they'd quickly have to get to the very back of the ship, in order to avoid sinking with the ship.

burning a hole through the wall, jooyeon and hyeongjun quickly got out, starting to run as quickly as they could.

"the two got out!" before the earth soldier could say anything else, jooyeon shut him up with an ice jet, freezing his legs together.

the whole chaos started to erupt quickly. "we're sinking!" "tell the king!" "kill them!"

getting outside was harder than they thought. how many guards were on that darn ship?

the two fought side by side, combining their bending to create a heavy smoke, making all of them cough and pause for a moment, not seeing anything.

using that opportunity to flee, hyeongjun left a trail of fire so they wouldn't be able to follow them that easily.

they felt how the run to the back started to get steeper and steeper. it started to get exhausting to keep running, hyeongjun having to pull jooyeon along.

finally making it out, they were greeted by the earth king sending a metallic disc at the two teens, hitting hyeongjun right in his torso, sending him back with a loud groan. he managed to hold onto the railing, or he would've fallen down.

jooyeon was helpless at first, before he noticed that they were basically surrounded by water. this was his big chance.

he felt the water in his fingertips. too blinded by hate, he forgot to think about their own consequences.

king oh has never seen a waterbender this strong. elemental bending always had its limits, but the fifteen year old clearly stepped further than most benders.

a gigantic wave was coming towards them from afar, probably twice as big as the ship, as it kept sinking more and more.

the king quickly figured that fighting jooyeon by using bending wouldn't be helpful. also hyeongjun recovered from the heavy blow,

the odds were on the teen's sides. at least they thought. suddenly, they were grabbed from behind, and before they knew, both of them were tied to a take, the metal keeping their bodies close to the wood.

earth king oh grinned at them, provoking, before he jumped off the ship into a lifeboat. jooyeon and hyeongjun were left there, having to listen to the loud sounds of the water consuming the wood.

neither of them could bend in this position. squirming in panic, both of them tried their best, looking at each other with stressed out glances.

"come on, gunil" hyeongjun thought, close to giving up. "feel the danger. hear my thoughts."

then the two of them were forcefully ripped into the cold sea.

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