Chapter Twelve - Get Your Donuts And Get The F**k Out!!

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Chapter Twelve - Get Your Donuts And Get The F**k Out!!

"Where were you?" Gill demanded when I finally walked in. About an hour or more late, I knew he was pissed. But whatever, I'm sure he'd understand why I was late. "I'll have you know-" I cut myself off right there. Should I tell him? He was upset enough when I got on the ledge for him not just some random dude, moaning and groaning about money problems.

"Yes?" His expectant voice rang. I shook my head slightly to come out of my thoughts, "Uh, I-...I'll have you know it's 4 in the morning, and I refuse to wake up before 5."

"So you were sleeping...?" He asked.

I nodded in response. Gill sighed and continued to do whatever he had left to open up shop, "Well alright." I could tell in his tone he didn't believe me. If anyone knew I wouldn't come into work late, ever, unless there was an emergency; it was Gill. I let him walk off though, I didn't want the subject of why I was late to pop back up.

"What's left?" I asked. He plopped down three boxes of napkins and all the napkin holders from the tables on the counter. Sliding a chair between his legs and sitting on it backwards, he gestured for me to sit and join him in refilling the napkin holders. I sighed and hopped onto the counter, sitting Criss Cross Apple Sauce. If any of our customers walked in right now, I'd get fired. Yet again; no one comes in this early.

"So," Gill sighed after a while of nothing but the sound of the napkins shuffling and being pushed into the metal holders. "You wanna tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Why you were late? Also, what happened with your dad, what'd he say when I left? Does he hate me now?...Do you hate me now?" He spoke a little sheepishly at the end, making him look about ten times cuter.

"Dude, you're asking a lot of questions. I thought I was the chick?"

He rolled his green eyes and threw a napkin at my head, "Oh shut it. Seriously though, answer the questions."

I took in a deep breath and began to rant, "Well to start, my dad was cool. As long as I don't do it again-" Already broke that promise "-everything is fine. He took me to the aquarium and I got the cutest damn baby seal you've ever seen! Also, he doesn't hate you, but I'd begin sucking up if I were you. And I could never hate you...unless you make me start cleaning the mens' bathroom, then I'll have to kill you."

Gill shook his head, smiling at every one of my answers. "Alright, cool...and what about you being late?" He repeated, looking up out of the corner of his eyes, giving me a 'tell all' look.

This time I was the one to roll their eyes. "If you must know, Mother, I got caught in traffic."

"...At three in the morning?"



"On the bridge." Gill shuddered a little at the memory of standing on the ledge. This made him quickly forget about the subject though, and he continued to packed the napkin holders till they were about to burst.

"How was your weekend?" I asked, changing the subject.

Gill shrugged, "Not that awesome. Just stayed home. Came here when I got bored..." I could hear the 'this is a lie, this is a lie!!!'  scream in his words. The little thing you hear in your head when someone starts to talk quieter and quieter, avoiding your gaze and shuffling awkwardly. Gill was showing all three symptoms.

"Bullshit. Tell me what happened." I forced.

A laugh was all that came from him as he looked up, giving me an incredulous stare. "What do you mean?"

"I've worked with you long enough to know when you're lying."

"True. And the fact you're now my girlfriend doesn't help either..."

The words made me catch my breath, and Gill noticed. He looked up at me hopefully; both of us frozen and barely blinking. I don't think either of us were breathing. "Bri, will you-"

Gill was cut off by the sound of the cowbell over the door, and in walked a man in a suit, fussing around and talking on his Bluetooth. God, whoever invented those things is on the top of my Shit List.

Unwillingly, I hopped off the counter, leaving the conversation behind and tending to this prick. "Can I help you sir?-"

"Oh my God, it's you."

My jaw dropped as the man squinted closer at me. He stopped talking to whoever was in his ear. Slowly he reached up and turned off his earpiece and gave me a weak smile. "H-hi." He stuttered.

Gill put all of the now full napkin holders on the tables, watching this man very closely. I waved sheepishly to the man I'd saved this morning. He looked a lot better when he wasn't dangling off the edge of landmarks and bitching about his life.

"Um, hello. Can I get you anything?" I asked. Bob - that was his pretend name, right? - looked me up and down, giving me a look of 'who's this kid, asking if I want a donut?'. The same 'kid' who saved your ass this morning, bub. That's who.

"Sure, uh, I guess I'll take a dozen glazed to take to work." He nodded to the donut shelf.

"Didn't really ask what you were doing with them..." I frowned. But nonetheless, walked behind the counter and got him a box. He followed me, of course, and leaned over the counter, not wanting Gill to hear what he said next. "So this is where you work?"

"No, actually, I killed the person who was working here, stuffed their body in the freezer and put on their uniform. But don't tell anyone, or I'll have to push you." I winked at that last part before irritably getting his glazed donuts and throwing them on the counter. I was being a little rude, and I knew if Angel was here, she'd kick my ass, but oh look, she's not here. Rude it is!

A very confused Bob paid quickly for his donuts and left, scratching the back of his neck. When the door closed behind him, Gill ran over, with a bit of a red face. "Who was he?"

"Jealousy reacts that quickly? Damn, I should take Psychology." After walking into the back room, I grabbed a cold rag and wiped my forehead. Why was the heat up soooo high?

"Briar, who was that? As a friend, I'd like to know why that...older dude...was saying 'Oh my God, it's you'." He folded his arms as he looked me in the eyes.

"Uh, well, he's an old family friend-"


"Uncalled for!" I snapped, pointing a finger in his face. Gill leaned against an opposite wall and continued to glare at me. An annoying feeling in my stomach told me to tell him what happened this morning, but another part of me - the louder part - told me to yell at him for treating me like his wife. The louder part demanded fury, spitting, scratching, screaming. It does that a lot...

"He's an old family friend, and I don't give a damn if you think that's bullshit!" I yelled, throwing the rag on the tile floor and stomping out of the back room. Gill followed.

"Then what his last name?"


"What's his favorite color?"

"Light blue, like the sky."

"What's his wife's name?"

"He's getting a divorce, she's cleaning him out right now. She's a real bitch." Well, at least that last answer was true. I have a knack for pulling names and answers for other people out of my ass. I'm like a Census! It really comes in handy.

Gill seemed to believe this. Slowly he nodded at me and walked closer to me, holding out his arms for a hug, "No hard feelings?"

I glared for one second more, but those green eyes are too powerful for me. They must have shards of kryptonite in them. With a nod, I stepped forward and gave him a hug. He held me tight, but not squeezing the life out of me. There was something about his hold on me that made all of my thoughts just wash away. I didn't even think about what I was going to eat later, or how much money I'd make this week now that I took the day before off - I thought about nothing at all. My mind was blank.

Gill's lips pressed firmly to the top of my head and kissed my blonde hair. "Hm, girlfriend." He chuckled. "Has a nice ring to it."

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