Chapter 5 the real lesson begins part 2

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"Well, I guess as a responsible teacher, it falls upon me to dish out the punishments for the two who think fighting in school is fun, huh?" he says in an aggressive tone. Then he puts his hand on his forehead, but the funny thing is that at this moment, he isn't what's scaring me.

The demon, I mean, the girl I was fighting with, has her shoulders up and head down. I can see a drip of blood from her lips; it must be from her biting her lip. "Responsible teacher my ass," she said under her breath. "What was that?" the teacher said. "I said, a responsible teacher my ass," she shouted. "You think it's okay to show up thirty minutes late to your class? Not only that, but you're dressed like a pimp. Who do you think you are?" she shouted with fury; I'm almost certain the other classes heard.

"Ahahhahah, you're right, my bad," the teacher said while scratching his head. Everyone's face went blank. "Huuuuuhhhhh," the whole class said. He then walked over to the board, grabbed a piece of chalk, and wrote his name. "I'm Arthur, your teacher, also the strongest in the school. Other than the president, but to be fair, I don't think I've fought him yet." Uh, okay, but did he have to write the whole sentence on the board? He even added his pause.

Arthur -" Right, everyone get in their seats, please, including you punks at the back."

The girl pouted, but she returned to her seat, and funny enough, her seat was right in front of me.

Arthur -" Well, there are a few things I guess I got to cover. First, yes, as it says on the board of truth, I am the strongest in the school." He said with a huge amount of confidence as he sat on his chair, declined it back, and put his legs on the desk. He then proceeded to pull out a pack of cigarettes and lights one up.

"Wait, you're smoking now???" said the girl in front of me. I must really ask for her name later.

Arthur -" Yes, of course, I am. You lot are causing a lot of stress already. Anyway, pipe down. Also, the reason I can do whatever I want is because of my strength. I can dress however I want and also teach my class in whichever way I see fit. Sooo, I guess you'd all like to test my strength and get to know my limit, and that's totally fair. That's why for your first lesson, you'll all get to spar with me, heheheh."

The kid to the right of me, who was the one who started all the commotion earlier, then started to laugh. "Pfft, you want us all to fight you? You may dress cool, teach, but I think you let beating too small fry get to your head."

Arthur then sighs, leans forward holding his hands on his desk, and looks straight into his eyes. And with the most calming voice, he says, "Punks like you couldn't hope to defeat me even if you had a hundred years of training. You know why? Because I'm strong." Although this seemed like a funny thing to say with such confidence, especially to a class, somehow this selfish and totally whack statement seemed to have some truth, as if we always knew he was powerful. BANG. He slams the desk.

Arthur -" Alright, let's head out then for your all's first real lesson."

We start walking to a huge open field with a dirt patch like a cricket field. On the walk, I decided to break the ice with the demon.

Kai- "Hey, I just wanted to apologize for what happened in class."

"Mhhmm sure."

Kai- "No, seriously, I was really confused after waking up. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"I don't really care; can you just leave me alone so I can focus on the test?"

Kai -"Test?"

"Duh, why else would we be sparing him? He wants to test our strengths."

Kai -"Ahh, I see. That kinda makes sense... So what do you think about him?"

"Well, it's only been a short time since we met him, but he's totally reckless, annoying, selfish, unorganized, and arrogant. However, he seems strong. I don't really know how to explain it, but he definitely has an aura around him, and what he says is true. Not just anyone can disregard this prestigious school's rules in shame the way he has without repercussions."

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