Chapter 10 persistence

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Well damn, everyone was pretty shocked, but after a few seconds, we started cheering for her. The medical team took Loudmouth off and helped heal him.

"Wait, how the hell did you manage to beat his punch?" Ab asked.

"Well, I..." Scarlet began, but Edge interrupted, "I'll take the question, Scarlet."

"As you saw, the brat charged in super fast, not giving Scarlet a chance to react. But what you didn't see was that from the second Scarlet was hit by her own flame, she prepared a close-range attack. If I have it right, she charged up a small flame just on the ground so that it was hard to notice. When the brat got into perfect distance, she released a little shockwave from the blast, knocking him out. It was a great show indeed from both of you," Edge explained.

"Wow, Scarlet, that was pretty impressive," I said.

"No, it was a total fail. How did someone who throws rocks come that close to beating me?" Scarlet replied.

"I mean, to be fair, no one knew he could also teleport attacks," I said.

"Yeah, well, it's still on me. Is it okay if I go to the infirmary, Mr. Edge?" Scarlet asked.

Mr. Edge responded with a gentle nod and then asked who was going to be next. Multiple people stuck their hands up at once. Everyone was fired up from the previous fight and dying to test out their limits. I should also mention that our school has limited objects with extremely high healing capabilities, and each medical staff member has a crazy amount of experience along with at least basic medical limit capabilities. This was the main reason no one was really afraid of getting hurt, that and the overrun of adrenaline—it's not every day we get to use our powers in battle.

Mr. Edge covered his eyes and put out his hands, then randomly pointed at someone with their hand up. At that moment, Maddie nudged Ab just enough to be right where Mr. Edge ended up pointing.

"No need to thank me," Maddie said.

Ab looked at Maddie with a smile and went up to pick his opponent. The opponent Ab ended up pulling out of the hat was none other than Dom. I wasn't sure how to feel—I couldn't root for either because they're both my friends. Just as Dom walked up, I whispered in his ear, "Give him hell!" At the same time, I stuck my thumbs up at Ab and mouthed the words, "You got this."

"Wow, really playing both sides," Maddie said sarcastically.

"Hehe, I mean, they're both my friends, so... Oh hey, who do you think will win?" I asked.

"I don't know. It sure is close, but I think the outcome will go towards Ab," Maddie replied.

"Okay. Are you both ready?" Edge asked.

Dom and Ab took their positions. I'm not sure if I'm sick today, but yet again, I feel uneasy. The atmosphere around Dom had completely changed. I mean, Ab was looking all serious too, but Dom kinda seemed angry, as if he was getting revenge or something. I do recall him getting serious though every time he uses his ability—I guess that's because of the incident.

"On your marks, get set, go!" Edge announced.

Ab's limit allows him to harden his skin, grow in size, and perfectly replicate a ball. We liked to call it armadillo—pretty fitting if I do say so myself. Anyway, Ab made the first move by running at Dom and landing a strong right hand to Dom's guard. He then unleashed a flurry of attacks, all seemingly aimed at Dom's guard. First a jab, then a cross, followed by two more quick jabs and a right hook. After another one-two combo, Ab stopped and said, "You're quite annoying. Alright, time to up my game." He later told us that during the exchange, Dom was slowing time down and avoiding it by a hair, making it look like he was hit when he wasn't even touched.

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