Chapter 26 new model

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School started again, but this time with significant changes. The first major change was that the first-year students, who used to study broader subjects, were moved to a different campus. This school would now be exclusively for those with Limits, a specialized institution for honing and mastering these unique abilities. The intensity of the entry tests was increased, and they even began accepting applicants from around the world. Another notable change was that students across all years would now combine into a single, major class, allowing for greater collaboration and competition. All of this was laid out in the newsletter, and we were informed to attend an assembly before classes began.

Thankfully, I had recovered from my injuries and was able to attend. As usual, I woke up late and scrambled to get ready. But this time, I didn't rush. I reached the school gate just in time and hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing on my chest. Stepping through those gates meant there was no turning back. With every step, I would carry the hopes and dreams of everyone around me—and I would try to save Cole if I could. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "Please," I thought, "give me a sign if I shouldn't do this."


A sudden, heavy weight crashed down on me, knocking me to the ground. I gasped for breath, disoriented. "Is this it? Am I dead?" I mumbled, struggling to breathe.

"Kai? I knew it was you!" someone shouted, voice trembling with emotion. It was Ab, and tears streamed down his face as he clung to my shirt, apologizing over and over.

"It's okay, just... please get off me before I actually die," I wheezed.

"Oh, right! Sorry!" He wiped his tears, sniffled, and clambered off me, offering a hand to help me up. "We've still got a few seconds before we're late. We'll talk about everything later, okay?" He said, smiling. His cheerfulness lightened the heavy atmosphere, and it was good to see him doing well. Out of the seven who died, I hadn't been told who they were, so seeing him alive brought a strange mix of relief and guilt. If I still had any tears left, I might have shed one right then. I took his hand, and he pulled me up.


Another thud, and suddenly Dom rushed past us, knocking us both to the ground again. "Sorry about that!" he shouted as he sped toward the assembly hall. We didn't have time to be mad; we hurried after him.

The hall was spacious, and if I wasn't mistaken, it was the same area where they had tested our Limits in the first year. The room was dark, filled with seats, and we managed to grab some near the front. But it felt heavy, suffocating even, because it meant I couldn't see the rest of my classmates—those who had survived.

"Welcome, everyone," a voice boomed. Kendrick stood at the podium, his presence commanding attention. "I am Kendrick. Many of you might not know me, as I usually only oversee important matters, but today I am here before you all. First, let me tell you about my Limit. It's called 'Royalty.' It grants me power based on how good of a leader I am. I draw strength from everyone who follows my rules. Currently, I have the strength of over a hundred people, as that many students attend this school and adhere to its guidelines. Additionally, I can see everything that happens within my 'kingdom,' which, in this case, is our school. That's how I ensure your safety. I can also provide basic healing and give a power boost to my ten most loyal allies, who act as my knights, allowing me to summon them whenever I'm in danger."

He paused, slamming his fist down on the speaker mount, his eyes fierce. "Now that you know everything about me, without lies or secrets, I want to apologize."

The room fell silent. We all knew what he was about to address, but hearing it from him made it real. "I'm sure you've all heard about the disaster that occurred during one of our lessons. But in case you haven't, I'll summarize. A substitute teacher took students into a gate, and as a result, seven students died, one is still missing, and many, including two teachers, were hospitalized. And to be completely honest, the government is hiding a few truths. This was no ordinary gate. The dangers inside were far beyond anything we've seen before. That's why, together with the teachers, I've made the decision that Restrictors as a whole must become stronger. You've read about the changes we're making to this school, but I'm sure some of you still don't take it seriously. That's why I called this assembly."

He straightened up, his gaze sweeping across the room. "I'm asking you now: are you willing to continue down this path of danger and uncertainty? The training will be a hundred times harder, and the workload will be relentless. Your year groups will no longer be separated; you'll vote together on whether to continue or quit. Those who choose to leave will be transferred to the second-best school, no questions asked. But those who stay—we promise you'll become strong and reliable Restrictors."

There was a pause, the air heavy with anticipation. "Now, I want to share the names of the students who didn't make it." Kendrick's voice softened as he began to list the names, and after each name, we observed a minute of silence. It was a painful realization—I hardly knew most of them. When it was over, the assembly ended with a somber mood. Yet, as always, there were those who treated the incident as if it were no big deal, saying our class was just weak, and that the upcoming challenges were exaggerated.

Afterward, we gathered outside to meet the newly merged classes. About fifty students assembled in the once-forbidden training area, a massive field. The teachers stood nearby, but Arthur stood at the center, towering over everyone. The classes mingled, introducing themselves, while my own class hung back, the silence heavy and awkward. Many of my classmates still had bandages, evidence of their recent hospital stays.

"Alright, listen up!" Arthur shouted, his voice cutting through the noise. "We need you all to get familiar with each other because you are comrades now. But we don't have the time for casual introductions, so we're going to jump straight into some training. Today, you'll split into five groups of ten and take part in a 'war.' I've brought a special friend, Mr. Sim. His Limit is called 'Sandman,' and he can put everyone into a shared dream world where he controls everything. When you're severely injured, you'll just wake up back here. The groups will be randomized, and you have about ten minutes before the game begins. The winner will be the last team standing."

Mr. Sim stepped forward, a small smile on his face. "As Arthur mentioned, this will be a dream, but it'll be as realistic as possible so you can get a feel for real combat. If anyone tries to be cruel or hurt others more than necessary, I'll remove and report them. Think of it like a video game—I'll inform you when players are eliminated, and how many remain. If you want to stop, just ask, and you'll wake up."

One by one, we lined up to shake his hand and said, "I accept to slumber." Nearly everyone was buzzing with excitement, except for my class. We all sat down, and soon after, we drifted into sleep. When I opened my eyes, I found myself sitting around a campfire, surrounded by nine others, deep within a dense forest.

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