Chapter 24 The Last Stand

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We started running forward, and I made sure to keep pace with Arthur. "When I click this," Arthur said, pulling out a golden pocket watch from under his waistcoat, "use Dom's—" His sentence cut off as Morg vanished from our sight.

Suddenly, my vision was blinded by a massive hand nearly crushing my skull. But through the gap between its fingers, I saw Arthur press the stopwatch. His last word was "Dom." If he knew my ability, then he must mean... everything around me fell silent, and time slowed to a near standstill.

You see, I had copied Dom's ability to manipulate time.

"Good job," Arthur's voice rang out, distorted by the time freeze. Panic surged through me, but I didn't have time to waste. I unleashed a barrage of blows on Morg's body, each punch sending a rippling purple wave across his skin. Even though Arthur had slowed time, my version was stronger. I kept delivering strike after strike, while Arthur, moving slower than me, managed a single downward slash with his scythe.

Then, in an instant, time sped back up to normal. Morg was sent flying in multiple directions, each impact rippling with purple energy. He finally crashed to the ground.

An eerie flash of light suddenly blinded me, followed by a deafening rumble. Arthur's slash had not only cut through Morg but also sliced the edge of the island Morg stood on. Morg's chest gushed with blood, but the wounds closed quickly, glowing with an ominous purple energy.

"You don't know the truth. If you did, you wouldn't be doing this. Or maybe I did this to myself," Morg ranted, scratching at his hair. "Weak, weak, weak! You're all weak! Even when I let my guard down, even when I take you seriously, you still pester me. I HATE HUMANS. I hate my world, my people, everything—except HIM."

Arthur's expression grew grim, his eyes widening with concern. "Switch to full defense now, Kai!" he shouted.

Without hesitation, I hardened my skin using Abs ability, following Arthur's command. But even as my body became as solid as steel, Morg's next punch cracked my armor with ease. He turned his attention to Arthur, delivering a brutal punch to his stomach before grabbing his arm and tossing him around like a rag doll.

I struggled to my knees, desperately healing myself, but the pain was overwhelming. Then, a shadow loomed over me. Looking up, I saw a dense ball of chaos energy descending straight towards me.

Using Loudmouth's limit, I teleported out of the way just in time. As I regained my footing, I realized Morg was still focused on Arthur—and to my shock, Arthur seemed cornered. Morg's relentless attacks smashed into Arthur's defenses. In response, Arthur triggered something in his glove that emitted a flash of darkness, blinding Morg momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Arthur ducked under Morg's wild swings, pulled out his scythe, and aimed for Morg's skull.

But Morg caught the blade in his hands. "Got it," he sneered, kicking Arthur to the ground and ripping off his fur coat. The coat, which Arthur had used to store his weapons, turned to dust in Morg's hands, pulsating with purple energy before disintegrating completely.

I teleported in front of Morg's face, striking him with a glowing, chaos-infused fist. But my punch was blocked. Morg retaliated with a series of rapid strikes, but this time I used Maddie's ability to predict his moves, barely dodging each attack. Then, in an instant, Morg grabbed my neck.

"Got you," he said, tightening his grip. But before he could crush me, Arthur's voice rang out. "Cut through him." His sunglasses transformed into a dagger that sliced off Morg's arm. The weapon crumbled to dust as it completed its task. Morg quickly picked up his severed arm and reattached it, resuming his attack on Arthur.

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