Chapter 9 - Fighting fire with fire.

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"Wow, it's hard to imagine Cole even got in with, you know, his uuhhh lack of limit," Dom said, clearly envious. I could tell he resented Cole's ability to get into this prestigious school without a limit. Deep down, Dom hated his own limit and probably wished he never had it. It was actually pretty good to see him again, though. However, I was feeling uneasy. These were new classes with new people, and only a handful knew Cole had no limit. This could potentially cause harm to him or, worst-case scenario, to all of us.

As usual, we had the first two lessons on gates and types of monsters. During the break, I wanted to talk to Cole, but he left five minutes before the school bell rang. Next were the practical lessons. The class was full, and we were waiting to see what Mr. Edge would teach us.

"Well, class, as you know, I will be filling in for Arthur. However, what you might not know is that I actually respect Arthur a lot. He's kind of my idol," Edge said with a huge grin as he pulled out a t-shirt from his blazer pocket. It had a selfie of Arthur and Edge printed on it. "So please keep this in mind. I will train you to the best of my abilities and make sure that when Arthur returns in two weeks, he will meet his new, reformed, and stronger class. For this lesson, I want to get a better understanding of all your powers and strengths with a little sparring session."

"Wow, you really are inspired by Arthur, huh?" said Loudmouth.

Edge responded enthusiastically, "Did Arthur also do the same?" His teeth shone through his wide smile.

"Yup, he got us all to fight him at once!" Loudmouth said with pride, seemingly forgetting we all got destroyed by him.

"Oh wow, he's super cool even with his students," Edge remarked.

It was a beautiful sunny day with a clear sky and blooming flowers. It was hot but with a subtle, refreshing breeze. The mood was high; everyone was excited to start training again. Edge explained that we would take turns sparring, and our opponents would be picked by drawing names from a hat.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Edge asked.

"Me!" Loudmouth shouted eagerly.

The class sighed in unison. Of course he wanted to fight first. Loudmouth went up to Mr. Edge and eagerly dipped his hand in the hat, slowly and dramatically pulling out a piece of paper.

"Okay, the first battle of today will be between this loud brat and Scarlet," Edge announced.

"Oh wow, this is gonna be fun," said Ab.

"Hey Kai, who do you think is gonna win?" Dom asked.

"We all know Loudmouth is toast," Kai responded.

Things were getting started. Mr. Edge explained that the fight would end when someone gave up or couldn't fight anymore. Other than that, we were allowed to go full power. In my opinion, this shouldn't be something a teacher recommends, but what do I know?

"Okay, ready? 1...2...3," Edge counted down.

Loudmouth made the first move by throwing two rocks towards Scarlet. She exploded both rocks in mid-air. To her surprise, Loudmouth still managed to teleport behind her and charged up a right cross. She dipped down and, with her left hand, shot a small fireball towards his face. He quickly covered up with his arms and dashed backward. This lowered the impact of the blast, but his arms were a little burnt, and his sleeves were completely burnt.

"Feeling the heat yet?" Scarlet taunted.

"You're joking. That was more of a mild spice than a fireball," Loudmouth retorted.

In frustration, Scarlet let off two more fireballs from her palm. Loudmouth dashed a rock to his left and teleported, dodging the blasts, but Scarlet relentlessly hurled flames at him. He kept throwing rocks and avoiding them. Every time he teleported, he was close to the ground and was able to grab more rocks to quickly throw to avoid Scarlet's attack. Recognizing this, she sent fireballs to the ground, catching him off guard and burning his hand when he reached for another rock. Then she rushed in and threw a right hook, which he covered up and blocked perfectly. But she then disappeared in front of his eyes, launching him into the air with a hard right hand straight to the stomach. She then charged up a huge ball of fire and released it at him.

"Hahaha, I was waiting for this," Loudmouth said with a smile as he wiped a bit of blood away from his mouth.

He put his hand forward and grabbed the flame with one hand, and with the other hand, he tossed a rock towards Scarlet at high speed. Scarlet prepared for him to teleport by charging up a left hand, but instead of him teleporting, the huge fireball that Scarlet launched at him teleported in front of her. This all happened so quickly that she didn't have a chance to react and was hit dead-on by her own attack. Loudmouth hit the ground but stubbornly got up. He held onto his hand, which seemed severely burnt after touching Scarlet's attack, and said, "Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire," as he then looked at us in the crowd and smiled as if he was waiting for us to start cheering. The dust cleared, and Scarlet was standing there in anger. Her sleeves were also burned off, and she seemed to have taken a lot of damage from it too. She took a deep breath and said, "This is as far as you go."

Without wasting time, Loudmouth threw a metal ball. Being much heavier than a rock, it reached huge speeds. He then teleported, keeping all the speed the ball had. It was as if he was flying towards Scarlet, and in good old hero fashion, he raised his right hand forward, clenching a tight fist as he shouted, "Rocket punch!"

"And with that, we have our first victor. Round of applause for Scarlet," Edge declared.

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