chapter 14 New scars

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Cole went from an innocent yet stunned expression to a completely serious and conflicted one once he realized it was me standing before him. I could immediately tell that things might escalate, especially when he locked eyes with me.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something," Cole said in a demanding manner.

"Yeah, I also wanted to tell you something," I replied softly, showing that I had no hate or aggression towards him.

"I'll go first. Why did you go easy on me?" Cole's voice was sharp, accusing.

"I really didn't. I put my all into that fight, just like you," I said earnestly.

"Just like me, huh? That's funny, seeing as you're the only one out of us who has a limit. But then again, I suppose you took your time using it," Cole said, his tone getting louder and his eyes almost piercing through my soul.

"Ah, so you know about my ability?" I said, letting out a sigh, but this seemed to anger Cole even more. His face tightened, and he gritted his teeth.

"Of course I did. Everyone who watched you during the first term of school remembers you. To be blessed with a limit is a gift. But one of your power? I couldn't imagine how easy you've had it," he said, practically shouting.

"It's not like that. I couldn't activate my—" Before I could finish, Cole grabbed my shirt, pulling me towards him, our foreheads almost clashing.

"I bet you thought with all your talent you could beat me without even using your limit. Well, I'm sorry to tell you that no matter how worthless I was at birth, I've worked hard to come this far," he shouted.

That seemed to trigger me too. "Yeah, well I was also training hard. How else do you think I kept up with you?" I shouted back.

His expression went still for a second before he headbutted me, saying, "Well, if I was born with a limit like you, I wouldn't even have to train like you. Limits are gifts, and you take yours too lightly." He gritted his teeth and muttered under his breath, "I wish I had a limit."

The headbutt kind of brought me back to my senses. "Look, Cole, I'm sorry. Please let me explain myself."

Cole's grip on my shirt eased up, and his mouth opened as if he was about to speak, but he was interrupted.

"No, Kai, I think that's enough talking," Dom said.

I had completely forgotten Dom was even there. Cole's focused and unshifting gaze had completely erased Dom's presence in my mind. But I glanced over at Dom and saw his eyes wild like a beast and his jaw clenched, a pulsing vein on his forehead clear as day. He had lost it and was about to blow. I wasn't wrong; he stepped forward and with a right hand sent Cole staggering back to the wall.

"If he can't listen to words, then I'll show him how painful a limit can be," Dom said.

"No, stop, Dom! Let's just talk—" I was interrupted by Cole shouting, "You want to go? Alright, I'll take you on."

Dom took a few steps forward. My heart started pounding. I pulled on his shirt to stop him, but he wasn't even recognizing me. I could tell all he saw was red.

"Who does this guy think he is?" Dom muttered. He punched Cole again, sending him to the ground. Cole gripped his chest and started breathing heavily as he struggled to get back up. But as soon as he made it up, Dom punched him straight back down. This time I firmly held him by the hands so he couldn't move. Fighting back against my grip, he slowly dragged us further towards Cole.

"Limits are so good, huh? Yet you don't know how much I've suffered or how much others suffer. Kai's had it easy? How could you say something so ignorant about someone you haven't even talked to? So what if he took it easy on you? It's your fault you lost," Dom shouted.

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