Chapter 7 The Ocean Blue Gate.

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Arthur: "Hey kid, my jokes are funny, I'm being serious here. Nothing is going to prepare you more for a gate than a gate, duhhh."

Bong: "Arthur, I did not agree to this. If they find out I used my license for this, I'll be in trouble."

Arthur: "It's alright, what's the worst that can happen?" He pulled down his sunglasses while looking at Sir Bong. "Especially when I'm here."

Bong: "You may be strong, but you can't watch all the kids."

Arthur: "Yeah, I know, if I did that, I'd be overestimating myself. But that's why we'll split up into teams of two. My team will defeat the boss, and your team will clean out the monsters. Also, Bong, don't forget to read the papers I gave you."

Sir Bong immediately dropped his head and let out a sigh. He knew not to challenge our stubborn teacher.

Arthur: "Alright, based on the performance from the battle we all had, I've selected the members that will come with me first: the short blue brat, second, the loudmouth, third, that chic with anger issues, hmmm, I'll also take the time control lad and you, uhhh, dragon hands. Alright, that's it."

He already forgot all of our names. How can someone be so unprofessional? I guess it was just me that was annoyed; we've only known this man for a few hours at most, but everyone was already used to his idiocy.

A breeze, reminiscent of the one outside but subtly more intense, swept over my skin, sending shivers down my spine. With each step, I felt the slight crunch beneath my feet as I gazed down to behold the expanse of sand. We had transitioned from the cluttered city with its smoky atmosphere to a serene beach, where the ocean stretched endlessly, its waves gently caressing the shore. The sand, a perfect hue of light beige, blanketed the island upon which we found ourselves. As I reached down to touch it, I marveled at its texture—it was impeccably refined, devoid of any sharp or rough edges. It felt more akin to fine flour than coarse sand, a testament to its pristine nature.

The scene before me was nothing short of breathtaking. The air hung heavy with freshness, untainted by the pollutants of human civilization. Each inhalation was like a refreshing breeze, clearing my senses as if I had just taken a breath after years of stifling confinement. It was a sensation of liberation, as if I had been walking through life with a perpetually blocked nose, only now experiencing the true essence of the world around me.

But this idyllic beauty was short-lived. Abruptly, the azure sky darkened, and the once gentle breeze transformed into a fierce gale, whipping at our clothes and stinging our skin. Squinting against the onslaught, I watched as ominous clouds gathered overhead, casting a pall over the landscape. In the distance, the trees swayed violently, their branches thrashing as if in protest, signaling the impending arrival of an ominous mountain.

Arthur: "Well, kids, that looks like the base of the monsters; that's also where we'll find the boss. So, for your first lesson, I'll further explain the two types of portals," he said, when he suddenly took off his jumper and told us all to hold onto each other as we stood on it. It started to float, and we took off in the air headed for the mountain. "Alright, so for starters, there are two types of gates we know of: the first is blue, the second are red. The blue ones contain a pocket dimension, which only allows us to enter and leave, whereas the red gates don't allow us to enter but allow monsters to exit. However, even within these two types of portals, they can differ. For today's example, I'll use this blue gate we are in right now. You see, blue gates are also a blessing; many in the public don't know too much about this yet due to the security checks that have to be done, but some blue portals that are open don't close. This means that a beautiful island such as this one could someday be home to humans. This goes for many other different biomes and even new resources within those portals. It's important you know this as the world is changing, and you all need to be careful. Our world is being negatively affected by our interactions with it; for example, pollution and deforestation. Not only that, but we are quickly running out of room and some species are becoming extinct. These portals offer us a chance to evolve and expand; the only problem is that each portal is owned by an organization, and in the future, this may cause more wars and destruction."

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