Chapter 1: Wolves 🐺

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Willow POV: 

It had been a few weeks since everyone had been stuck in the Human Realm. Everyone had gotten used to it. They all appreciated Camilla's kindness, for her to take care of all of them was no small feat. Everyone had gotten used to it, even Hunter. He deserves it after all he's been through, thought Willow.

One day, when Willow was hanging out with Hunter and Gus, Willow noticed Hunter was wearing a shirt with a strange creature on it. Willow was unsure whether to ask or not, but she eventually got the courage.

"Hey Hunter... what are you wearing?"

"O-oh this?" his face turned red, "the-these are wolves. They're cool, mythical creatures, AND I LOVE THEM!" His face was like a tomato at this point, and he broke out into a big grin.

Willow smiled. Finally, after a long time, Hunter was happy. And Willow herself was intrigued about these strange creatures.

"Do you know anything about wolves?"

"No.... but maybe we could learn about them together? I-I mean if you want of course. You seem to be interested in wolves so I thought..." 

"I'm totally into it. Count me in, Golden Guard. But where can we learn about them?"

"Ooh, I know!" Gus interrupted. "Luz was saying there's a library nearby. She said they had lots of books, maybe they have some on wolves!"

"Great idea Gus!" Willow exclaimed. She could not wait to learn more about these fascinating creatures, and she wouldn't have done it with anyone else except Hunter. Hunter, meanwhile, blushed again.

The next day...

Luz and Amity also decided to check out the library, but Luz said they had to do it on a Saturday because she could do her homework the next day. Willow and Hunter were super stoked, but it was pretty obvious that Willow was being excited for Hunter. Once they were at the library, Willow and Hunter immediately went searching around the library for books on wolves. Meanwhile Luz and Amity had some time on their own.

"Hey Amity, I want to show you my favorite book series, come on!"

Luz and Amity ran (sorry, walked) happily together until Luz stopped them at a book series called "Warrior Cats". Amity seemed confused, and Luz was disappointed.

"I thought you would like it... you know because your Palisman's a cat?"

"No Luz, I really do. Honestly, it's sweet of you. But how can cats be warriors?"

"It's a fantasy book batata. Also cats are awesome!"

Luz and Amity laughed. Suddenly, they heard a squeal of happiness.

"Easy there Hunter," Willow said.

"Sorry Captain. It's just WE FOUND THEM." Hunter seemed like he was gonna die.

"SHHH," said the librarian, "libraries are meant to be quiet. One more noise and I'm afraid you'll have to leave. And that goes to you too, girls." She looked at Luz and Amity as they were laughing hysterically.

Eventually, Willow broke the silence that followed the librarian's statement. "I'm sorry ma'am. It won't happen again." As the librarian left, she turned to Hunter, "Do you think we can check these out?"

Willow and Hunter borrowed Camilla's library card and checked out their books. Luz and Amity checked out five books from Warrior Cats, and Gus found a book all about humans.

"Why would humans write a book about themselves?" Willow asked in wonder.

"Who knows?" replied Gus. "At least I'll learn more about the Human Realm."

Later that night...

Long after everyone was asleep, Willow and Hunter were reading long into the night. Willow began to become less interested in wolves, but she kept reading for Hunter. Besides, he would get lonely alone at night.

Eventually at 4 am, Willow and Hunter decided to get some ZZZs.

"Good night Captain."

"Good night Golden Guard. Make sure to get rid of those eye bags."

Hunter blushed in embarrassment. 

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