Chapter 9: The Three Stalkers

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Hi guys! Thank you to everyone who has been reading this. I know you've probably seen better-quality works, so it's means so much to me that you decided to read up to this chapter!

Just FYI, I have some exams coming up, so my uploading schedule won't be the best... sorry. Hopefully, I'll have plenty of free time in the summer!!

I hope you're having a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!! Enjoy 🌸

Willow woke up in the middle of the night. She left really thirsty, so she decided to get a drink of water. As she was walking down the stairs, she heard a noise. She decided to go check it out.

The noise was coming from a room. Weird, Willow thought. The room looked to be completely empty, but she could hear Luz snoring from the next room. Willow didn't want to disturb her so she walked as quietly as she could towards the noise. It seemed to be coming through a window?! Did someone find us? Willow panicked. Is it that weird human Vee talked about? Or is it... BELOS? DID HE FIND US HERE? Willow's mind kept thinking of possibilities until she heard a noise. It sounded like...

"Hey, are you ready for our date tonight?"

Vee! Willow went over to the window and she looked down. She saw a girl wearing an orange sweater with a pumpkin on it. Next to her was a girl with black hair, and she was wearing all black clothes. Suddenly Willow put it all together. Vee was going to sneak out with Masha! And it was a date night too. Willow saw Vee's face when she looked at them the first time. She was obviously in love with them. Good for both of them. Vee and Masha make a good couple. Willow decided to let the couple be, and she continued her journey downstairs. As she descended the banister, she began humming quietly to herself. She must have really liked the song, because she started to hum it louder. Which was a little embarrassing because she wasn't the only one alone in the kitchen.

"Hey Willow."

"Oh," Willow exclaimed. She was so lost in her own world that she didn't realize Hunter was there. "Hey Hunter, could you not sleep?"

 Hunter nodded. "It's fine, I don't feel like sleeping right now anyway." Willow wasn't convinced. Hunter needed sleep, but she decided to not push it.

"Do you wanna stalk Vee with me?" Willow didn't even mean to ask the question, but it randomly came out of her mouth. "I heard a noise from the window and I saw Vee... she went to hang out with Masha and it's a date."

Hunter's eyes widened. "D-did she jump out the window?!"

"No stupid, she had a ladder with her." There was an awkward moment of silence. "Do you want to come with me?"

Hunter didn't know what to say, so he just shrugged. He could spend some quality time with Willow.


Scratch that idea. It would be Hunter with Willow... and Gus. Hunter didn't mind Gus, in fact, they were good friends. But he had a chance to spend time with Willow, and Gus just blew it. So obviously, Hunter tried convincing Gus to go back to bed.

"Don't you need sleep? I think you should go back to bed."

Gus and Willow looked at him. "You are such a hypocrite," Willow said.

"Me?! How?" 

"HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR EYEBAGS????!!!!!!" Gus yelled. Willow quieted him before he woke the whole house up.

"Gus, don't scream that loud, everyone will wake up! But yeah... you should start getting some sleep Hunter."

Hunter just rolled his eyes. Even though he secretly agreed he needed sleep, he refused to admit it in front of his friends. "Fine, let's just go," he grumbled.

"Wait," Gus yelled, "I'll be right back."

Gus came back with some enchiladas, and he started to eat them. Hunter just sighed and opened the door.

And so the mission to stalk Vee and Masha began! And for some reason, Gus was leading the mission.

"I swear to Titan that I know how to stalk."

"Whatever," Willow said. "You just know from human movies, right?"


First, Gus told Hunter and Willow to hide in a tree. This way, they could get a better view of the town. The only view Hunter could see was a ton of leaves. After that failed, the trio decided to explore the downtown area. They crash-landed and started to look around. After they found no one there, they began to brainstorm ideas.

"Both of them could be behind a shop... or maybe they're still at Luz's house," Willow trailed off.

"Or maybe... what's a place that's significant for both of them?" Hunter asked.

Willow and Hunter thought for a moment. Suddenly, it came to them.

"The Gravesfield Historical Society!" they said at the same time.

"Alright, let's go. Wait where's Gus? GUS??"

Willow found Gus playing with the squirrels. As soon as Willow told him where Vee was, he dashed off, Willow and Hunter far behind. They eventually caught up to Gus, but they were pretty tired. But all three of them were relieved to find out that they were right. Vee and Masha were there, behind the Historical Society Building.

"Alright follow my lead," Hunter whispered.

"Why should we follow you?"

"Because I actually have experience when it comes to stalking people when they're doing things in secret." 

Luz told Gus about the time when Hunter was sent to catch three criminals attempting a rebellion on Belos at the Night Market. Then Luz and Hunter ended up stuck in the Emperor's mind. So, Gus doubted that he was good at catching criminals, but Hunter seemed so determined. So he nodded, and Hunter took the lead.

They hid behind the building, and for a while they just stood there, listening to Vee and Masha. They weren't really saying anything interesting, so they just decided to talk amongst themselves. However, Gus started complaining about how boring it was, then Hunter said Willow made them do it, but then Willow argued back that both of them agreed and she thought it'd be interesting, and eventually the three of them broke out into a full-on argument. First they whispered, then whisper-shouted, and eventually they started shouting very loudly. Vee and Masha obviously heard, so the two decided to surprise Willow, Hunter and Gus.

"You know we can hear you, right?"

This was Code Red for the three of them. Gus looked absolutely horrified, like he was about to hide.

"Whoops... oh well, we should probably head home now!" Gus started to dash off, but Vee stopped him. She didn't seem very angry because she was laughing.

"No it's ok. Masha already knew you were stalking them. I didn't know until you guys started arguing. Masha's about to head home anyway, so we should probably head home too."

"Oh, ok." Gus said.

"It's fine. But your stalking skills are horrible. I can teach you."

After Masha said bye to everybody, everyone else headed home. And even though the mission to stalk Vee failed, Hunter, Willow, and Gus all agreed that they had a good time. 

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