Chapter 16: Bored

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It was a Tuesday morning. A very uneventful one.

It started at 5:50 AM when Hunter came downstairs, looking for something to eat. He eventually found some watermelon and decided that was good enough. He turned on the light, sat at the dining table, and began to read a new book series he found. It was called Harry Potter, and it was very intriguing. Sure, it was mocking magic and the Boiling Isles, but the characters and the plot line were just so amazing that he loved it. Hunter would continue reading the book for another hour or so until Luz came downstairs. Camila had always been telling her to eat something for breakfast, but Luz wasn't much of a breakfast person.

"Hey Hunts, how's Harry Potter?"

"Pretty good."

"Alright bro, don't miss me too much when I'm gone."

Hunter rolled his eyes. Like he would actually miss Luz.

He had no idea.

"Pfft, yeah right I'll be completely fine without you," he said.

"Mhm, see ya later bro."

"See ya later... sis."

After Luz drank her daily glass of milk, Camila said bye to Hunter and the two Nocedas left for school. From there, Camila would go to her work. Today, she was putting bandages on racoons. Two hours later, Gus came downstairs and started talking about dinosaurs to Hunter. Hunter listened, intrigued about these extinct animals. Somehow, everything in the Human Realm seemed interesting. Then, Willow came and gave Hunter a kiss. Hunter returned the kiss, then Willow disappeared into the kitchen to find something to eat. She came back and listened to Gus ranting about pterodactyls. Amity came at around 10:00 am. Vee was always the last to wake up, so it surprised nobody when she came downstairs at 12:00 pm but still very tired.

"Hey guys, good morning."

Hunter smiled. "Actually, it's noon."

"Oh. It felt earlier than that. So, what's the plan for today?"

Everyone looked at each other. They had no idea what they'd do today. Today was their break from working on the portal. After a few failed attempts, they all felt that deserved a break, even overworking Hunter. Everyone turned to Vee and shrugged.

"We don't really know what we're gonna do today," Amity concluded. "Maybe we should each do our own things."

"Yeah! I like that idea!" Gus yelled.

"Finally, I can get the TV to myself," Vee said.

"Alright, FREE DAY FOR EVERY WITCH!!!" Gus shouted enthusiastically.

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