Chapter 10: Sick Day

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I'm actually sick right now, what a coincidence.  Anyways, enjoy reading!!

In Camila's basement, there was a huge pile of tissues. Huge. And someone was sniffling. Someone with blonde hair.

"Hunter, do you need more tissues?"

Luz showed up, offering the next box. The blonde-haired kid responded with "Nope, I'm fine." There was a huge bunch of snot dripping from his nose. It looked like it was about to fall soon. Also, Hunter looked horrible. His hair was messier than usual, and he looked like he wasn't getting any sleep. So obviously, Luz wasn't convinced. She handed him the next box of tissues.

"Mom says you need to take your medicine soon, so come upstairs when she calls you. And also, it's okay to ask us for anything you need Hunter. You won't be a burden by asking us. Now sleep, sick boy."

Hunter tried, but it didn't work. He kept coughing every five minutes. His throat would swell up when he least expected it. It hurt when it did because it was as if a bee stung him. All the mucus would be congested in his throat, he could feel it when he coughed. His throat was swollen with mucus.

Hunter hated feeling this way. He wanted to be outside with his friends, working on the portal. Or maybe he could have been doing something fun today. Instead, he was sick and stayed in his makeshift room. He didn't even feel like going upstairs. Everyone else was fine and healthy so why was he sick? Camila mentioned something about allergies, maybe that could be the reason. But it didn't make sense how he could have an allergy because he was made of wood. He could have been making himself useful.

Two weeks later...

Hunter was still not better. In fact, it got worse. Two days ago, he broke out in a horrible rash. Camila tried to order some cream, but they were out of stock. So today, she was going to CVS to buy some for Hunter.

Camila told him not to scratch the rash, and he was finding it very hard to do that. It burned his skin horribly when he left it alone. Everyone in the house was very concerned for him. It had been a little over two weeks, and he was still not better. Gus would always come to cheer him up, Luz and Vee would annoy him, and Amity... she didn't really do much. She was actually staying away from Hunter. Willow had been busy gardening with Camila, but she made sure to come and talk to him every night. Hunter liked when Willow came. It was easy to talk to her because she didn't ask many questions like everyone else did. She talked to him when Hunter wanted to talk. If he didn't, Willow would leave him alone.

One night, Willow came to talk to Hunter like usual. Hunter asked about the garden, Willow said yes, Hunter said ok, and they stopped talking. There wasn't that much to say that day. Willow was in the garden all day, and Hunter was... sick.

"Captain, why do you come here every night? What if my sickness spreads to you?" Hunter asked. He didn't want Willow being as sick as he was.

"I guess I just like talking to you. That's all. If you don't wanna talk, I guess I'll go to bed."

"Oh ok. Good night," Hunter said. Willow felt a little hurt, but she assumed that Hunter wanted rest. She was walking to the stairs leading up to the rest of the house, but Hunter stopped her.

"W-Wait! I didn't mean to be mean, sorry. I-I really like talking to you, actually." Hunter blushed.

"Thanks. I really like talking to you too." Then, Willow kissed Hunter on the cheek and walked up the stairs. 

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