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"fuck he knows "

Mayank and Ishaan ate their food with some chatting and gossiping and they were ready to leave from there when Ishan remembered that Shubman was also there. He quickly looked at Shubman's table but Shubman was not there.. He thought maybe he must have gone.They also paid the bill and left from there. Almost half an hour later they returned to their hotel and left for their respective rooms as they were really tired..

Mayank's pov

As soon as Ishan and I reached the hotel we were tired, so we did not talk much and went straight to our room.and slept our hearts out and after two hours I woke up with fresh mind and freshen up my body and dialed abhisek's number and waited for him to pick up the call and he did..

"Hello abhi" ~ mayu

"Hello mayu how are you " ~Abhishek

"I'm fine baby.. actually I want to tell you something very important"~ mayu said with worried tone

" Is everything ok bebe.. what happened.. did someone said something they shouldn't??.. just tell na.. why are you silent bebe.. " ~abhi said with panic in his tone

" How can I something when you are not giving me any chance just wait and breath first don't panic" ~ mayu said with sudden calm voice

" yeah I'm fine bebe now tell me what happened quickly " ~abhishek said as he was Getting impatient

" it's not about me it's about someone else " mayu said with little worry in his voice for his friend

Abhishek sighed and took deep breath and again asked with so much patience

"Then who is it "~ Abhishek

"It's about ishan "~ mayu said

"What happened to my little munchkin" ~ Abhishek said as he also get worried for his smol (small) baby

" You remember I told you before that someone is stalking ishan from months remember? " mayu said

"Yeah I do what happened..." abhi

" He started again you know what happened yesterday....." mayank told everything about last night to Abhishek
and told him to favour them by providing some cctv footage of the hotel where they enjoyed last night and appointment a secret agent for their safety and Abhishek agreed and told him that the agent will soon contact him...then they talked about each other's personal life and after some minutes they bid good byes
Then he straight went to ishan's room and opened his gate and sat beside his sleeping body he was admiring his friends cute expressions as he was sleeping while pouring and decided not to disturb the baby but he had too.. as its almost dinner time and they have to be on time or else Rohit Bhai will punish them so he just took a bottle full of water and poured it on ishan as he knows his friend is kumbhakaran who only woke up when he want to eat or do any pranks or other wise he is lasy lad.. he ran away from the room after pouring the water cause he knows the consequences.. and what happened after that was truly expected ishan woke up with so much anger and frustration and shouted

"Oh... Bhenchod akal kya bech khayi h suar kahi ke.. ruk tu kutte ke bachhe.." ~ ishan said and ran behind mayank with stick in his hand

𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢🦋✨(ishman/shubhish)(ishanxshubman)Where stories live. Discover now