part 013

769 44 24

" unbelievable"

When ishan was unbuttoning shubman's shirt with his own mouth someone knocked on the door and they were interrupted by someone behind the door ishan got up from shubman's lap hurriedly and went to the bathroom for change.. shubman adjusted himself while looking in the mirror.. he opened the door which was keep on banging like someone is very eager to meet them he irritatedly opened the door and shouted

" Are you mad or what why are you banging on the door like maniac" shubman said while getting so much irritation on his nerves

"Are you dumb or what who takes this much time to open the fucking door" mayank shouted back

"Oh hello are you out of your mind its my room and on top of that it's almost midnight you cockblocker " shubman shouted in response

" I don't give a fuck to yours fuck but it is very Important for Ishu to know somethings so please wake him up right now" mayank said with so much seriousness

" Can't you see that he is already awake dumbass " shubman shouted clearly frustrated with someone's presence right now

" How can someone see with this much amount of light are you guys insane .." mayank shouted

" You fucking dumbass-- " shubman started but soon was interrupted by ishan

" Hey hey shubman behave yourself what type of language is this haa and on top of that it's midnight everyone is sleeping so please don't shout right now and you mayank what in the earth had made you to knock at someone's room in midnight " ishan said in scolding tone

" Why are you scolding me it's him who started this " shubman said now frustrated with his boyfriend's behaviour

" Can you please shut up for two minutes fucking Eiffel tower" Mayank said

" Don't you even dare to interrupt between us " shubman said pointing his finger at mayank

" I am doing it and will do it in future too what can you do dumb" mayank said in mocking tone

Shubman opened his mouth to say something but ishan interrupted and dragged mayank with him saying shubman that he will be back soon and went away with a blabbering mayank on the ground and asked him sternly

" Now tell me what's the issue " ishan said

" Daniel is dead now " mayank said clearly not wasting a second

"he is dead.. whatttt the fuck he is dead how I mean who did that I mean..." Ishan started panicking

" Just calm down Ishu " mayank said in a calm voice while holding ishan's shoulder

" How can it happen mayank " ishan said trying to even his breath

" I also don't know but I got some information that it wasn't a normal death it was a clear murder someone stabbed him when he was going from there.." mayank said

" How do you know that " ishan said suspecting his own bestfriend

"What type of question is this Ishu I'm your bestfriend you can't suspect me like this don't forget that I'm the one who helped you in all your problems so that you won't be bothered much .. " Mayank said feeling little betrayed

𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢🦋✨(ishman/shubhish)(ishanxshubman)Where stories live. Discover now