part 02

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~Falling in love all over again~

Mayank- I was here from the beginning, you didn't notice me

Ishan-my bad sorry buddy.. but you here ?? I wasn't expecting this

Mayank- What do you mean?

Ishan- I thought you would have gone home

Mayank-I had stayed to meet you, but now I am leaving, my flight is at 3 o'clock.

Ishan- Ok then bye see you later buddy (they went hugged e/o and bid goodbyes)

Ishan's pov
Iwent towards Rohit Bhai and sat beside him and got to know that I'm gonna share my room with tilak I was so happy because we both felt like a connection towards e/o.. so all went towards their respected rooms after biding goodbyes
I was in my room and was unpacking my clothes but suddenly I got a call from my mom so started telling her about everything and everyone's behaviour but my phone has some other plans.. my phone was running out of charging and I forget where I put my charger So I came out of my room and was going towards the meeting hall, crossing the corridor.
I heard someone shouting and talking loudly in the room. I thought he was frustrated So I didn't pay much attention to it and kept walking.
But then I heard a name that seemed very familiar to me. When I stopped or tried to listen to him, I came to know that he is also here, my crush, my idol, but he was about to come tomorrow from Punjab but he is here this early that's suspicious but anyways I'm happy I was listening to them but then suddenly someone Patted my back I was startled but somehow after gathering all my strength I asked him


Tilak- eavesdropping is a crime isn't

Ishan- oh it's not like that I was just passing the corridor and was talking to my mom but suddenly my phone's battery was dead so...

Tilak-whatever let's go


(We walked towards the meeting hall while chit chatting with eachother )
(Soon we reaches the hall and tilak got a message from Rohit Bhai for practice... We ran towards our room after picking charger and get ready for practice session leaving my phone on charge)

In the practice ground

Rohit- so everyone this is our first practice session with our new Player so don't go harsh on him today

Everyone noded and went towards their nets for practice session... I was practicing with siraj bhai and was very tired now as we were practicing for more than 2 hours non stop I pleaded him with my puppy eyes for 10 minutes break he denied first but my eyes has some special talent so he leave me for 10 minutes I went towards drinks area and while I was drinking water my eyes met with someone... someone whom I admire the most.. my crush... My love... My everything... My shubi I mean my shubman oh sorry my prince... I felt a sudden heartattack in my heart as he was staring at me I choked on my drink.. he laughed looking at my unpaid performance of being idiot for 10 minutes straight... And now I'm facing embarrassment of my own I panicked and rush towards the net again without even taking any glance of him.

Practice session was over
Everyone was commanded to come for dinner at dinning table on time ~ by Rohit

( Everyone went towards their respective rooms )

At ishan and tilak's room
Ishan was laying on the bedon his stomach then suddenly someone opened the door ishan thought may be its tilak so he didn't mind to look up and prioritise his dreamland more than anything while he was going to enter in his dreamland but as he was still trying to completely dozed off he heard someone walking towards bathroom and has not come yet it's been 15 minutes and no sound of water can be heard he was startled but yet he removes his all worries cause only tilak and he has the only excess to the room and he completely dozed off leaving all the worries...

(Here someone walking out of the bathroom checking on ishan and then going towards the tv area and then making his way towards the nightstand.. now as he has done all his work he went sway from the room leaving a peaceful baby having his sleep and locking the door and crushing the key and walked out of the hotel not letting anyone know anything about him )

(I left you because you wanted but now I will have you in my arms cause I want to.... You have already done a sin and now you deserves a little punishment have a good day or a good night my kitten ~ saying while having a wild smirk on his face watching him on his laptop

If I have to fight with God I will do it because you are on the bet~ 🌈✨💜

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If I have to fight with God I will do it because you are on the bet~ 🌈✨💜

𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢🦋✨(ishman/shubhish)(ishanxshubman)Where stories live. Discover now