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"something is missing.. we need to find that ""

Mayank did not give much pressure to Ishan and told him to go and get fresh..Ishan did as  said to do so.... He took his almost half an hour in bathroom to relax his body under the cold shower.. he was whistling around the room pampering his skin..his face.. and his hands.. not noticing someone's presence in the room.. finally he realised a tall man sitting at the bed.. staring at his soul.. but he was not surprised as shubman always looks at him with this type of gaze.. he moved towards the nightstand for picking his Phone.. but his steps stopped in midway as other tried to stop him by holding his wrist.. making him sit on the bed.. and asked

"How are you feeling now "~shubman asked while holding his both hands

"All hungry"~ ishan said while making  pout

"I'm not joking ishh"~shubman said little sternly

"Nor do I.. I'm feeling hungry I want to eat something let's go and eat something "~ishan said while taking his hands away from shubman's hands

"We will... first answer my questions"~shubman said while giving serious look

"Ohk tell me fast"~ishan said hurriedly looking for  his phone

"So how are you feeling" ~shubman

"All fine"~ Ishan

"What was mayank asking you about "~shubman said while raising one eyebrow

"Nothing he was asking me about yesterday night"~ishan said cutely

"Yesterday night ?? Seriously ish he was sticking with you all the time.."~shubam giving done looks as mayank was the only one who was with him all the time

"He was asking me about the time when I was drunk "~ishan

"You were drunk ?? Who made you drink any alcohol when we were prohibited to do so ??"~shubman said confusingly

"May be when I was with Daniel.. I didn't notice that I was consuming any alcohol..umm I thought it was normal juice"~ ishan

"I told you to stay away from him but still you did what I don't like.. why ish.. it's not like I'm stopping you from doing things it's just I want only good for you.. I want you to be safe.. what if he had done something bad with you huh tell me.. "~ shubman said while showing his angry face

"Don't worry you giant baby.. I'm all ok right now look... all fine and all hungry "~ ishan said while cupping his face into his palms

"Yeah..but"~shubh protested

"No buts just let me go to have my breakfast "~ ishan said while putting his phone in his pocket

"It's afternoon ish"~shubman

"Ohh did I slept too much "~ ishan said while not giving any attention

"Yeah a little too much "~shubman said while shrugging off

"Shit let's go and have our lunch or otherwise Rohit Bhai will cut off our lunch too as a punishment let's goooo"~ishan said hurriedly walking towards door

𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢🦋✨(ishman/shubhish)(ishanxshubman)Where stories live. Discover now