part 016

557 37 16

*Author's pov*

The trio reached the house and get warm welcome by their parents and some friends , who are gathered only to meet their friend who most probably had forgot them after moving to Mumbai.

The hall of the grand house in the Patna was filled with so much nuisance as some people were giggling , some were mimicking other's actions and some were even dancing on loud music as they were given dare His parents were not interested in this so they went to visit their neighbours for lunch party as invited long ago but didn't get much time to visit so they decided why not today , they were enjoying their day and here youngsters were enjoying their time while playing truth and dare

The game was going smoothly until ishan's friend gave him a little risky dare (ok not little risky ) to click an photo of him being totally naked and send it to the person who calls him first but not from the people present here at the terrace

Ishan went to Washroom clicked his naked photo and went to the terrace and sat there patiently waiting for someone to call. He was too nervous about this dare at first he protested but when they said that he have to the poll dance infront of everyone  instead so  he immediately Locked the previous deal but now regretting what if his senior's will call him the possibility of his parents and relatives are also high , he was only cursing his luck when phone vibrated he released a relieved breath but inhale it again as he sees an unknown number

His trail of thoughts  and nervousness rises with the same speed , lost in his thoughts he didn't knew when he picked it up and connected it with his ear , he greets the other person and gets the same treatment , the other person starts but due to the volume of the song playing on speakers he wasn't able to listen of the other person's blabbering , he excuses himself from the crowd and went towards the corner of the terrace decorated with so many plants and colourful flowers decorating themselves on the plants which gives of the literal heaven feeling and there stands an angel with annoyed expressions on his face as the other person went quite , he again greets as for the confirmation of other person's presence but gets only an silent treatment. After waiting for some seconds he started biding goodbye with so much annoyance on  his tone but rather on saying something with same tone the other person only chuckles and says only one word ' pulchitridinious ' and chuckles again as if imagining something.

Ishan seems little confused with other person's sudden compliment and asked again in assurance if this compliment was for him or for someone else but other refused to reply and ended the call before saying
' I will call you later '
Ishan was now full confused about other's intentions but shrugged it off and moved towards the crowd who were waiting for him to join them again , soon they again started but one person among them stopped all of them and reminded them about the previous ishan's dare which is due still , so with so much nervousness ishan send the photo to the person who just contacted him some seconds ago. And after sending the pic he deleted it immediately after som seconds as he can't take any risk for his career

The game went on till the afternoon
Everyone started leaving his house one by one and now ishan who was laying on the bed settled on their terrace as per ishan's demand. He was recalling the moment when he was talking to that weirdo who was first kept blabbering fir two minutes and when he actually tried to talk the other person just went in some kind of isolation , the thoughts were kept on running on his mind & he didn't realised when he drifted to sleep


A sudden pair of hands comes from behind and made their way towards other's nose as if confirming something, this sudden move made ishan flinch on his place , he opens his eyes just to see his brother standing there while resting his hands on his waist making an annoying facial expressions , ishan raised his one eyebrow as if Asking for the reason of arrival the other just motioned him to follow him and ishan did while rubbing his eyes he landed safely on the second floor of the house as his eyes were closed so stairs just pranked him a little, he winced in pain while rubbing his butt and made his way towards the couch his all family was gathered , first he made himself comfortable according to his surroundings and then asked for the reason of disturbance

𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢🦋✨(ishman/shubhish)(ishanxshubman)Where stories live. Discover now