part 015

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*Next morning*

Ishan was sleeping peacefully on the bed cuddled up with a giant monster his only boyfriend he was snuggling more onto his neck as it was only providing the warmth and commitment.

The other person who was wide awake but neither moving an inch nor waking his Ishu up , he wanted some more personal time with his only love of his life because they didn't knew when they will have this much personal time as ipl will start and they have to stay away from eachother for almost two months.

His hold was only getting tighter on the other person as the time of separation was getting closer he wanted to hold him more only till his last breath..Is this too much to ask for ?


They both snuggled to eachother's neck more inhaling the scent of other to comfort their hearts , ishan's scent was so much pleading that he ended up kissing his neck kissing his whole neck continuously moving towards his collarbone licking his visible part there earning some giggles from other understanding that other is wide awake he softly bit his skin and earned hiss sound from other , he leaned closer to one's ear and whispered

" So you are wide awake right ish " he whispered slowly

"No not at all I'm sleeping" ishan said teasing his boyfriend a bit

" Oh that's the case than " shubi said and bite his earlobe a little harshly and got some moan and smack on his back from the other person

" Shubi that hurts" ishan said

" Ohh i thought you were sleeping ish" shubman said licking his earlobe where he bite earlier and got in top of him

" You pervert get off me you are suffocating me shub" ishan said struggling a little

" But you look so cute and sizzling under me darling " shubman whispered in his ear

And that's when ishan lost his senses when he heard the darling word it's just this gives so much shivers in his body
And in pleasure he closed his eyes

" I think you are enjoying under me
You  want something else too  ? " Shubman said while licking and kissing wetly on this throat

" Nah - not at all just get off me you PERVERTED ass " ishan said

" Why so much desperate darling let's just stay this for while na " shubman said while continuing his work but stopped when someone knocked the door

" If it's mayank on the door I'm telling you I will kill him " shubman said in frustration

" Why so much frustration bebe " ishan asked in confusion

" he is the only one who is  cockblocking us everytime " shubman replied

"  No need to curse him what if someone else is on the door and   not him " ishan questioned

" I have gut feeling that it's him " shubman said and got off from the bed and walked towards the door and knock on the door increased.

" The fuck man why so much desperation " he said and opened the door and proving his gut feeling right the man with hattrick of cockblocks entered.

Ignoring the person behind the door mayank straight went to ishan and just jumped over him and engulfed him in a hug while laying on top of him.. ishan also returned the same enthusiasm and chuckled at the person behind the door's expression cause the pout shubman has created is such a blessing for one to see..

*Shubman's inner thoughts *

Here this motherFUCK cockblocker enters again..why cant he just go over the bridge and just jump from there like seriously man it's his hattrick man why he is not letting us have a simple intimate session.. I'm telling you if he wasn't my bestfriend's choice he would surely end up in hell right now bloody hell

𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢🦋✨(ishman/shubhish)(ishanxshubman)Where stories live. Discover now