17| driving ms. cash

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roxie saw a flash of brown hair, a pair of wide shoulders, strong hands gripping hers and pulling her close.

roxie faced the most dreaded question that she had ever happened upon her—what am i doing?

roxie and george had spent their time listening to the rest of the album early that morning until the boys called it a day. after they had gathered their belongings and made their way to the door, paul told roxie, "you have a great voice, y'know. you should come to the studio more."

"do you really think so?" roxie asked, her voice tinged with hope as she searched paul's eyes for reassurance.

"yeah, i really do," he assured her with a wink as he grabbed his belongings from the floor of the recording room.

she smiled widely, leaned in and hugged him tightly. he laughed softly, hugging her back. he patted the top of her head fondly.

"see you later, roxie." she let go of him, opened the door and watched him walk past john and ringo. john shot roxie a knowing look as the three left the studio together, leaving roxie and george alone in the small, dark room.

roxie's heart pounded as she stood in the dimly lit recording studio, her gaze locked with george's. she felt a rush of conflicting emotions surging within her—attraction, guilt, and a desperate longing she couldn't quite understand. her mind started to wander. her relationship with george seemed to be growing stronger with every passing second.

it was hard for her to understand how the whole situation with george had happened so fast. she didn't know if this was love, just admiration or a desperate longing that roxie knew was rooted in her teenage self. she adored george from the moment she discovered the beatles.

roxie tried to focus on what george had just sung and hoped she could put it in a coherent order someday.

tension was thick in the air. she didn't understand what kind of person george was that he could elicit such a reaction from her. she wondered silently, her fingers fidgeting nervously with the hem of her shirt.

when she first met him she wasn't expecting someone quite so forward and confident, but then again, she never expected to have genuine feelings for any of the beatles either. george was just a schoolgirl crush she'd had. until it became real.

she sighed as she gazed at him from across the room, running her hand through her hair nervously. she was feeling things she hadn't felt since her teenage years. things that she would rather forget existed.
her chest burned with passion.

roxie's gaze flickered nervously between george and the floor, her mind racing with unspoken questions and unspoken desires.

before she could blink, roxie saw a flash of brown hair, a pair of wide shoulders, strong hands gripping hers and pulling her close. as she looked up into his large, brown eyes, feeling her stomach stir. without hesitation, her lips pressed against his warm, inviting lips. she had dreamt of this. and now, her dreams were being fulfilled. but where did it leave her?

she couldn't tell.

one thing she was sure about, though, was that whatever the outcome, she wouldn't regret this one minute. this kiss meant everything to her. they weren't hiding behind high, drunk or on any substances. this was real.

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