05| roxie dyes her hair

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one day earlier

the black hair dye felt sticky between her fingers. she didn't know why she felt like dying her hair black. she did anyways.

roxie knew it might ruin her career, but she wanted a change. she slapped the gooey substance onto the top layer of her hair, soiling the perfect blonde hair she was born with. would the beatles still want her in their movie? probably not. it was at her hotel room in the bathroom.

she secretly ordered it from room service. she didn't think they'd seriously bring it to her, yet they did. she used the brush to get it in all the cracks and crevices.

"i'm probably doing this all wrong..." she mumbled to herself. "we take off in... two hours and i'm dying my hair. this is horrible." she kept on going.

until her head was completely covered in black goop, she kept talking to herself and singing little tunes. mostly beatles songs.

"she loves you, and you know you should be glad... oooh!" she sang, getting the last strand covered. roxie spiked her short hair up into a bun, waiting the whole ten minutes until she had to rinse it.

securing her robe, she stepped out of her room and saw george sitting on her bed. "what on earth are you doing in here?" she gasped.

"came to check up. we're right across the hall, y'know," he said. "what did you do to your hair? it's all... black."

"that's the point," roxie uttered beneath her breath, sitting on the bed next to him. "like it?"

he examined her head, squinting at it. "sure." he smiled.

"i don't know why i did this. we leave in only an hour. how long have you even been in here?" she adjusted herself, scooting farther away.

"long enough to hear your rendition of our songs," george added. "not bad, by the way,"

her cheeks filled with red as she looked down. "that's embarrassing," she commented. "i hope you understand i'll have to get you back for that one, george."

"oh boy," he smiled. "can't wait." he sarcastically spoke.

roxie slipped out of the shower, admiring the sunlight beaming into the bathroom. it was her first shower since she dyed her hair, showing no signs of fading anytime soon. her large bathroom in her large house wasn't steamy like usual. anne made her only take cold showers for her skin. she shook off, taking a towel and wrapping her hair up into a fancy towel bun.

her house was in the city, almost close to paul's house. george's house, just out of london was a bit further. john and his wife, cynthia also lived outside of london in weybridge. she hadn't visited them, but john rambled on  all about it. currently, george and ringo were staying at her house for the production and writing of the movie for a little while.

they were good houseguests, kept the guest bedrooms clean and tidied after themselves. they even made lunch for roxie one afternoon. obviously, it wasn't the best since it was made by two groggy and arguing beatles, but she put on a satisfied face and kept eating.

she noticed george particularly kept to himself during the time he spent there. ringo, on the other hand was very entertaining and enthusiastic. he sure kept her busy when she was at home. though, most of the time she was away modeling in the city. the boys visited a lot for songwriting and recording for their newest album, sgt peppers lonely hearts club band. roxie heard bits and pieces of it. she thought it was genius. their best yet.

"we're taking a bit of a three-month break, you see," paul explained. "no more touring!"

originally, they were to take a break after their final tour in august, but they had some more recordings to finish. they postponed their break until november when they began recording small bits of the album. other than that, they were free. they could finally do things. this led to another film. magical mystery tour. of course, they wouldn't begin filming for quite some time since they still had one album to record first.

"oh, i forgot you dyed your hair black," george said as roxie left the bathroom with a sundress and sandals on, hair dried and looking perfectly perfect. "good morning." george brushed past her into the bathroom.

roxie grinned and hopped downstairs into the living room where ringo had his drum set, mumbling something about writing a drum line. "oh, 'ello roxie," he smiled.

"good morning, ringo," roxie took her bag off the coatrack, slipping a small jacket on and grabbing her car keys.

"where are 'ye going?"

"i have a job. vogue called joe last night. apparently, i'll be on the cover this spring," she muttered.

"oh... well, take care, be beautiful, make money!"

"will do, ringo!" she slipped out of the door and into her car.

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