12| a magical mystery party

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roxie looked absolutely lovely. her hair was done all pretty and her purple makeup enhanced her already-beautiful features. her rosy cheeks were flushed looking at george as he grinned at her, admiring just how amazing she looked in her dark purple dress and groovy black fur coat. it was faux, of course. roxie wouldn't dare wear something that had been on an animal.

anyway, george looked her up and down as she deep-throated a candy bar. "happy birthday," amused, george leaned forward for a glass of wine.

roxie realized what she must have looked like, so she wiped her mouth on the backs of her hands. polite was the last thing she was. "thanks!" she wiped her sweaty palms on her exposed legs as the limo pulled out. "for everything, too. i probably wouldn't have had a party if it weren't for you all tonight." she flashed george a genuine smile, sucking in her lower lip.

"anything for our roxie,"

oh, george. how sweet he could be.

in just a few minutes, the limo driver delivered the pair to the party. this time, in the front. he was specifically instructed to do so for the press and photographers. the shivering people, whether or not they had tickets to get in were all very cold. it was a windy, cloudy new years.

george saw roxie's hands twist into one another, so he swiftly grabbed one, looking into her eyes and squeezing it to wordlessly let her know it'd be okay. he could sense her nerves. she nodded back before turning back to the door to open it. but before her hand could reach the handle, the driver opened it for her. so she stepped out, being sure not to accidentally flash anyone.

as the two were ushered to the door of the studio, fans and photographers shouted questions at them with unyielding force. nothing held the people from them, so the moment roxie stepped out, everyone ran up to them.

"george! george! roxie!" was all they heard from the ambitious fans and photographers. "are you two together?! where is pattie?!"

as they pushed and shoved to the door, multiple pictures were taken of them. it wasn't as much aggravating as it was difficult. in a few short minutes as some security came up to them, they eventually got into the warm building. the crowd shortly dispersed as a line to get in was formed. only those who were invited could get in. there was a limit of seventy people, so the beatles were sure to invite only necessarily important people.

"there's the birthday girl!" once she and george got past reception and into the elevator to go up, they were met with the rest of the beatles, john, paul and ringo. john was the first to greet her, introducing her to his wife. "roxie, this is my wife, cynthia. cyn, this is roxie cash. she's going to be in our new movie!"

cynthia didn't exactly look overjoyed to see her. she gave a short, polite smile and then turned away from her. paul and ringo also had their spouses in arm—jane asher and maureen starkey. the three women were all very beautiful with their own unique features. all dressed up, roxie started to piece together just why the beatles fell for these women.

"i'm a huge fan of your work," jane asher, who looked stunningly delicate, came up to roxie and beamed at her. the two were about the same height, so they were exactly eye to eye as they were both ushered into the elevator by the men.

roxie could hardly grasp that sentence coming from jane asher! "what? me? oh my god, no! i'm a huge fan of your work!" roxie could already sense the other women becoming tense and on guard. it was too bad, because roxie liked the other wives.

"i think we're all fans of the others!" john interrupted the two gushing over one another, and he was right; everyone laughed.

the elevator dinged and they all got off at the second floor. the party was postponed quite a bit due to the rock-paper-scissors tournament, so other than the employees who were already there, the beatles, their dates and the studios' employees were the first in the building.

the room they arrived in was decorated with both new years and birthday decorations. "oh... this is so sweet..." roxie mumbled under her breath. george put a hand around her shoulder, grinning down at her with contentment. he was worried she wouldn't like it.

pink and blue streamers lined the walls, and john made the comment, "it looks like a fucking gender reveal party in here," exerting a laugh from the group.

a stage was even put up for the musicians who had already finished setting up their equipment and were now plugging in their amps. she didn't know who the band was, but they played some nice background tunes.

then, one by one, everyone began arriving to the party. the room slowly filled with men and women, filling every corner of the room. there was a large cake on a table by the stage that read, 'to roxie and the new year!'. it was, of course, vanilla.

the party was only just beginning.

in one corner, while the room flooded with guests, stood jane and roxie chatting away. they talked about the modeling business and things having to do with the limelight and fame. jane mostly spoke about how frustrated she got sometimes when she was only referred to as 'paul's girl'.

"i want a name for myself!" she explained to roxie who was slowly sipping on a glass of her favorite—orange juice.

all eyes were obviously on the beatles, but the party wasn't about them. it was about roxie and the new year. no one other than jane seemed to be talking to her. she didn't mind, however. she was perfectly content with only speaking to jane.

"so, how did you meet paul?" she wondered, eyeing everyone around them.

jane looked as if she had a blast from the past, almost like she revisited the day she met him. "oh, i interviewed them. at first, i thought george was the cutest, but after the interview, once i talked to paul... he was just so sweet!" she sounded very nostalgic. that night, she wore a sparkly red dress with blue makeup that made her eyes pop. she was utterly gorgeous. how could anyone compete with her?

once roxie stopped gazing at jane, zoning in and out of the conversation, she realized something; the room seemed like it came to a halt. everyone stopped speaking for a second, staring at something—or rather, someone. the crowd was too large for roxie to even see who was coming into the room, but they were apparently important since everyone made a point to stop in their tracks and stare.

the first person to speak gave away just who the mystery person was, and roxie's heart nearly dropped to her stomach. "oh, pattie, you're back early from your trip,"

it was paul who said this. pattie boyd, model icon and george's wife. roxie didn't know if she was ready to meet her just yet.

pattie boyd. model icon. george harrison's wife. great.

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