13| be groovy or leave, man

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"roxie, i'd like you to meet my wife, pattie. pattie, this is my friend, roxie," george presented pattie like she was a prize at a circus, smiling broadly with his hand around her waist.

she was the most beautiful woman roxie had ever seen, let alone been introduced to! she was starstruck. pattie held a grin, politely saying hello. "i love your work, roxie," she shifted from george and looked roxie in her eyes. everyone in the room seemed to have been watching the three interact. the snaps and shutters of a camera went off, and both pattie and roxie knew those pictures would be in a magazine somewhere the next morning.

but how would roxie reply without seeming like a pathetic little fangirl? behind them stood paul and jane, john and cynthia and ringo and maureen, watching them like the rest of the lot.

if roxie wanted to make a good impression, she'd have to speak to pattie one way or another, so she did. "oh, thank you," she tried not to burst into the biggest smile she had, but it was obvious. so she let it out. most of it. "you used to be, like, my style icon," she admitted with a chuckle.

everyone kind of knew this moment was important. everyone thought they might've acted superior to one another, but now they were conversing as if they were old friends! john was shocked. everyone was.

pattie opened her mouth and furrowed her brows, almost as if she was saying, 'aww!'. "that explains why you're so famous, then!" pattie joked. she kept her eyes on roxie as everyone laughed, taking loads of photos of the pair. pattie was dressed in a psychedelic-y dress, pairing it with knee-high boots. a hat of george's sat atop of her styles hair, complimenting the outfit.

roxie didn't know what to say. should she compliment her, or stay polite and just continue the conversation with jane? would it be rude to just walk away, or go to the snack table? should she just invite her to sit down and chat, or would that be desperate? before she could decide what to do, pattie spoke again.

by then, everyone had turned away and talked to their own friends, but roxie couldn't get out of this that easy.

"did my george behave while he stayed at yours?"

roxie laughed. ironic, she thought. "you've raised the boy well." she quipped.

george harrison didn't remember his nineteenth birthday, let alone his most recent one. but for roxie, the beatles and their manager went all out. candy, cake, streamers, prezzies, tea, coffee, the lot. they had to make her first birthday with the beatles memorable. and they did.

roxie chatted away with pattie and jane, soon beginning to find she liked the three very much. they all had strangely similar lifestyles, anyways. roxie wondered if they liked her as much as she liked them. probably not, but she hoped so.

roxie didn't kiss anyone at the stroke of midnight, but she was okay with that. it was her birthday, and she was with her new friends, the beatles. what more could she ask for?

after the party, george insisted on bringing roxie to kinfauns where he and pattie lived. he tugged on the sleeve of her fur coat and asked until she couldn't say no. he also invited the rest of the beatles, but they said they needed to go home.

and so after the party, george, pattie and roxie piled into a limo and were on the way to kinfauns. "so, roxie, did you enjoy the party?" pattie asked with a poised look. she had to have been the poshest sounding woman roxie had ever spoken to. "i mean, what with all the fuss of the press and all. wasn't it fun, though?"

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