Chapter 3 - Reveur

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Hellooo :]

Happy readingsss! :D

Warning!: smut?, swearing, angst, violence, abuse, lack of consent, kink, stalker


It walked up to me and stopped right beside my bed. I arched my back again and moaned. Oh, how I just wanted it to take control and pump into me.

"Immmh~ fuck me~" I moaned in a low voice and reached for the beast. It took a step back in a tease.

I leaned fast out to reach it. I grabbed its wrist and yanked the monster towards me. It laughed heartily as it leaned over me. It still stood on the floor.

"C'mon," I begged in a whisper. I wasn't even sure if the creature heard it.

"Catch me first," its low voice said. I wasn't sure what it meant until I blinked and it was gone. I looked up. It stood in my doorframe.

How in the world was I going to catch it if it was gone every time I blinked? I just wanted to get fucked! Please!

I jumped out of bed and didn't waste a second. The creature laughed as it saw me running towards it. It walked into the hallway and out of my view. Only a second more and I would have reached it!

I looked down the short hallway. Nothing.

"Stop fooling around, ...," I wanted to say its name but realized I didn't know what it was.

I walked into the kitchen.

I saw it in the corner of my eyes and I turned.

I grabbed both of its wrists and unintentionally slammed the beast up against the wall behind it. "Gotcha!" I smiled and giggled.

The creature looked curious at me. I suddenly realized how small I was compared to it.

"What's your name?" I asked in a bit lower voice than normal but still smiling.

"Aren't you already calling me a creature, a monster, a beast?"

"No, that's what you are. It's not your name," I chuckled.

"So I'm a monster in your eyes?" It asked. My smile and chuckle faded. "I'm a creature... a beast to you?" Its voice didn't sound negative nor offended but just... curious.

I had no idea how to respond.

"That's how you see me, right?" It asked. My palms were turning sweaty. What would it do if I said 'yes'? I nodded quickly only once in the hope it didn't see it but it stared directly at me. "What have I done for you to see me that way? Or is it just the way I look?"

"You killed my friend," I tried.

"That was something your brain told me to do," it said and almost cut me off. "Besides you called me that before your friend 'died'." Then it whispered: "How is it fair? Just because I have fangs and talons and the strength to kill... just because I look different from you-"

"You are not human," I blurted out. "You are a fantasy!"

It pushed me lightly away with its strength. I was far from strong enough to hold it against the wall. We parted but it still stood at the wall.

"If I'm just a fantasy to you..." it said slowly. I couldn't see its emotions. Was it sad? Hurt? Angry? Curious? "then... am I a good one?"

My heart sank by its words. A sense of sadness filled me. 'A good one'?

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