Chapter 4 - father's work

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Hellu and welcome back!

Happy readings my little devils! :D

Warning!: smut?, swearing, angst, kink, public sex?,


"Lis!" my father yelled and brought me back to reality.

Reveur faded in front of me. His golden eyes were the last I noticed to disappear.

My father pulled me away from the backseat. My mind was a haze and I didn't hear what he told me to do. I just knew he told me to do something.

As my father saw me slide right back into sleep he pulled up his phone and dialed in a number.

I could barely hear my father scream into the phone as I felt Reveur all over me.

I sat in the car with my father screaming on the phone. Reveur was right on top of me. Fuck, I wanted him, I admitted. My hands followed his body. I felt his muscles tense at my touch. Strong. So strong! He pressed me down in my seat. My eyes were closed.

Reveur kissed my neck and shoulders. His body moved on mine, making me heat up.

Fuck, he's hot. We met in a hot and messy kiss.

His hands moved down my body and just when they reached my pants... I couldn't feel him. Even though my eyes were closed I could see him fade into nothing and disappear.

I opened my eyes in shock. I reached to find something to hold onto. I grabbed the handle to the door of the car and my father's arm like we were about to crash.

My whole body was stiff from shock.

"Lis! Lis-Lis! Honey!" my father shook me gently. "Wake up."

I looked out the window in front of me. The landscape didn't move. The car wasn't moving.

"What happened?" I breathed in. I was shocked. I found my father's warm brown eyes.

"Oh, dear!" he sighed with joy. "It worked!" He gave me a hug with a quick smooch on the cheek.

"What happened?" I repeated.

"You passed out," he explained. A few moments went and he changed the subject: "We are here."

"Where?" I breathed and was barely able to hear. Am I at his workstation or at the hospital? I thought and looked outside. There weren't many buildings. There were six or seven buildings with a high fence around them. Some of them were even covered with a huge fence on top. Were they keeping birds or something?

We parked at the second biggest building. Its area was huge. When I got a closer look at the fence I noticed it was electric. The fences were several meters tall.

My father followed me out of the car and into the building. I noticed I felt more energetic with stamina making me lighten up.

"Dad, is this the hospital?" I asked, making eye contact with a man with a gun.

"No, this is where I work..." he said and smiled at the guard and showed his identity with a card. "But it can also work as a hospital on some fronts." We walked up to the guard. The guard gave me a strict look. "This is my daughter, Elisabeth Juliano Aviles," my father said and pointed with a hand to me.

The guard let us pass through. My father led me to an elevator that led far down underground. He then led me through a maze of hallways and stairs. We spoke to a few people. They all wore white uniforms and looked like doctors.

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