chapter nine - new and old friends

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c l a r k e   g r i f f i n

The following morning at breakfast, Luke came to sit with us again. 

I was sitting in between Bellamy and Raven, so he sat across the table, in the spot between Monty and Octavia. We had all opted to sit together, but suddenly, I wished I had been sitting alone. I could imagine the jokes and teasing that would follow. But I didn't mind seeing Luke.

"I was hoping I'd run into you guys," Luke said. 

"No other seating obligations this morning?" I asked. 

"Nope," he replied. "I was meeting with a friend from the research lab. We've been running some tests on your blood donations, trying to see what other properties it possesses. So far, nothing out of the ordinary."

"Except it's magical healing powers," Jasper supplied. He was sitting a bit further down our table with Maya, but both of them were listening in.

"Exactly," Luke said. "Oh, Bellamy, I talked to a few of my friends on the guard. There's some open patrol positions, just like I thought. Let me know when you want to meet with them, and we can set up a dinner or something."

Bellamy nodded unsurely. "Thanks."

"Has anyone told you guys about the birthday party yet?" Luke asked. 

"Who's birthday?" Octavia and I asked together. 

"President Wallace," Maya said from down the table. "Every year, on his birthday, we host a masquerade ball."

"We save all the best clothes," Luke told me with a wink. 

"It's in a few weeks," Maya added. "But everyone starts planning their masks around now. You're supposed to make a new one every year, for a unique touch. That way, no one knows who anyone is."

"Sounds cool," Octavia said, glancing at her brother. "But I have a pretty bad track record with masquerades."

Bellamy put his head in his hands. 

"Well, you don't have to come," Luke said. "But you should. It's one of the best nights of the year."

We finished eating, and stood to clear our trays. 

"Where's everyone heading for the rest of the day?" I asked. It felt strange not having anything to do. There was always something to occupy time on the ground --- something to worry about, someone to talk to, some life or death situation to manage. 

"I'm meeting Harper for a walk," Monty said. 

Raven didn't answer, just grinned and disappeared around the corner. 

"I'm heading up to my room," Bellamy told me. "Feel like helping me decorate?"

"Absolutely," I agreed. He started around the corner, but Luke grabbed my arm to stop me. 

"You free later?" he asked. 

I raised an eyebrow. "How much later?"

"Dinner. We can have some food delivered to the library, eat there. It's nice and quiet."

"There's a library?" I knew this wasn't the point, but I didn't really know how to respond. Was he asking me out? It sounded like he was asking me out.

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