chapter eleven - hallways

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c l a r k e   g r i f f i n

Later that night, I went on another date with Luke. 

He walked me around Mount Weather, showing me all the places we weren't exactly supposed to go. We visited the library again, which was lit up with little lanterns at night and was perfectly romantic. He walked me down to the kitchens, which were lively and smelled delicious, Afterwards, I was taken to a room filled with artwork, and I didn't really want to leave, ever. But eventually, he walked me back to my room, where we stood and talked for nearly another half an hour. 

I told him about Bellamy and I being sprayed with blood in the medical centre, and Dr. Singh's resignation to their bad medical equipment. 

"I'm just saying," he said, through a bout of laughter. "That if you're going to have a whole medical facility dedicated to research about blood, you should have masks, or something."

"Or machinery that doesn't break when you use it," I added, leaning against the wall. 

Our laughter died down after a while, and Luke sighed. "You know," he said quietly. "I've never actually dated someone before."

My grin faded to a more nervous smile. "Seriously?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Not at all, actually."

"I'm surprised. But I've been getting tips from some of my friends, so they must be paying off."

"You should really have to repay them. I'm completely charmed."

Luke smiled. "I think you're wonderful, Clarke."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just took a step towards him. Any of the doors could have opened. Anyone could have seen us. 

For a moment, I stopped caring, and when Luke leaned forwards, I let him kiss me. 

It wasn't a long kiss, but it was long enough for his hand to trail up my leg and my hand to slide to the back of his neck. If he'd never been in a relationship before, did that mean he'd never kissed anyone? I didn't know what constituted a good kiss. I hadn't exactly kissed that many people myself, either. 

When he pulled away, we stood there a moment longer, and then Luke took a step back. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said quietly, and with another soft kiss, he left. 

I stood there alone for a minute, mouth slightly agape. After Finn, I had decided I wasn't the biggest fan of kissing. I still wasn't sure I'd put it at the top of my 'favourite activities' list, but kissing Luke was substantially better. 

I was still standing there when Bellamy and Raven rounded the corner, elbowing each other as though they were trying to see who could push who into the wall first. 

"Clarke!" Raven exclaimed. 

"She's drunk," Bellamy warned me. 

Raven grabbed my shoulders and shook me back and forth. "I love alcohol," she said solemnly. 

"Fun night?" I asked them. 

"With Murphy," Bellamy said, an eyebrow raised. "Surprisingly."

Raven balanced her way down the hallway, banging on Octavia's door. 

"Yeah, let my sister take care of you," Bellamy said, rubbing his head.

"You alright?" I asked him, frowning. 

"A bit dizzy," he said. "Probably because I've been breathing in alcoholic fumes all night. I'll be fine."

Octavia finally wrenched open her door, glaring into the hallway. "What is going on?" she asked. 

"It's your turn to watch Raven," Bellamy told her. "I'm not leaving her with Murphy in this state."

Octavia's eyes widened. "She was with Murphy?" Without another word, she grabbed Raven's arm and pulled her into the room. 

"What have you been up to all night?" Bellamy asked me. 

I shrugged. "Not much. Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you."

Bellamy crossed his arms. 

"When President Wallace came to tell me about Dr. Singh, he mentioned Octavia and Lincoln. How obvious it is that they're together."

Bellamy's gaze narrowed. "Did he threaten them?"

"No, Bellamy, god. But I think it's a good idea for both of us to be in a relationship. We need to set an example."

"Like, with each other?"

I hit him, because I couldn't tell whether he was joking. "No, you moron. I'm with Luke. Sort of. We're dating. But you need to be with someone too. If they see that we're mingling with other people, the rest of them won't be so opposed to it."

"Mingling," Bellamy repeated, crinkling his nose. "You're with Luke?"

"I just said, I don't know. We're trying things out."

"Trying each other out," Bellamy said. I still couldn't decide whether he was trying to be funny, or if he was actually bothered. Why would he be bothered? I understood his dislike of Finn, but Luke was different. He was actually a good person. And Bellamy had no right to automatically hate everyone I liked. 

"Don't be an idiot," I said, opening the door to my room. 

"I don't want to date someone just for the sake of dating someone," Bellamy said, and I paused. 

"You've been doing that since we got to the ground," I said. 

"But I don't want to do that anymore. New life, new me, right?"

I gave him a look. "Could you try to be the old you just one more time?"

He finally cracked a smile. "I thought you hated the old me."

I shrugged. "Maybe not so much."

He watched me for a minute, like he was debating what to say. I didn't know what to say either. The conversation didn't feel over, exactly, but I didn't know how to continue it. 

I didn't get the chance to try. 

Because without warning, Bellamy turned away and vomited a stream of blood across the floor.


A/N: woot woot



let's all hope bellamy doesn't die or something

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