chapter nineteen - elevator

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c l a r k e   g r i f f i n

For the next few days, I steered clear of Bellamy. 

I told myself it was to give him space, after spending so much time with me cooped up in my room. But truthfully, it was because every time I saw him, I thought about the moment just before we'd left. 

I was pretty sure he'd been about to kiss me. 

And the worst part was, I didn't know whether I would have stopped him. I was dating Luke. But I'd kissed Bellamy to save his life. That didn't mean anything, did it? I didn't even like kissing that much. 

Would I have stopped him?

Dr. Singh was starting to heal, but still wouldn't talk about the origins of the disease. I had come to the conclusion she had to have done it intentionally --- the way she'd put on gloves, but hadn't offered any to us, how unsurprised she'd been when the machine came disconnected. But I couldn't fathom why she would be targeting us. We were there to help the people of Mount Weather.

After dinner, which I ate in my room as a further attempt to avoid Bellamy, I journeyed to Raven's room. I'd been seeing more of her since healing from the sickness, seeing as I wasn't going to be spending any more nights in Bellamy's room. 

When I reached Raven's room, I knocked a few times and stood waiting for her to open the door. That was my other new policy --- knocking before I entered people's rooms.

When the door finally opened, it wasn't Raven who stood behind it. It was Murphy. 

"Oh, hi, Clarke," he said, somewhat awkwardly. "Looking for Raven?"

"Seeing as this is her room, yes," I said. 

"I was just leaving," Murphy said, stepping around me to get out the door. Raven was sitting on her bed, head in her hands. 

When Murphy had closed the door on his way out, I crossed my arms. "Murphy, huh?"

Raven looked up, a sheepish look on her face. "I know the rules, alright? But he's a good kisser. And good at conversation."

"He shot you in the leg."

"He's made up for it." She said it with a wink.

I groaned, sitting down on her bed. "Whatever. As long as you're... being safe, and stuff."

Raven hit me over the head with one of her pillows. "I do not want a safe sex talk from you, Mom."

I grabbed her pillow and tossed it on the floor, out of her reach. 

"Well, other than the Murphy thing, your timing is impeccable," Raven said. "Octavia's coming over."

As if on cue, the door flew open and Octavia skipped in, a grin on her face. 

"Oh, you didn't," Raven said, her own face brightening. 

"I like having a bed," Octavia said, somewhat airily. "They're so... comfortable."

"Convenient," Raven added. 

"What are you two on about?" I asked, though I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to know.

"Clarke's trying to give me a safe sex talk," Raven told Octavia.

Octavia wrinkled her nose. "Clarke needs to get laid."

"Hey," I said indignantly, wishing I had another pillow to throw at her.

"Clarke has a boyfriend," Raven said, raising her eyebrows at me. "Why doesn't Clarke go to his room tonight instead of mine?"

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