chapter twenty two - breach

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c l a r k e   g r i f f i n

Luke sat up before I'd even processed what was happening. 

"Breach," he said, staring at me in alarm. "I have to go."

"Breach?" I repeated. "Where?"

I got my answer as Luke's face started to grow red. 

"No," I whispered, scrambling out of my bed. I flung open my door and pulled Luke through it, running down the hallway. "Help!"

I didn't need to shout. People had already started to swarm the hallway --- people in hazmat suits, with machines and oxygen and other supplies. 

"Clarke!" It was Maya. She stopped me in my tracks, grabbing hold of Luke's arm. "I'll take him to medical. Go to one of the rooms further down the hall. We'll come decontaminate you when this is all taken care of."

"He needs blood," I said. "I---"

"You donated yesterday," Maya said. "Don't worry. We have plenty."

They took him away before I could say anything else. I stood there for a moment, in disbelief, then turned and ran down the hallway. My feet seemed to know where I was going before my mind did. 

I wound up at Bellamy's room. 

He opened the door before I'd even knocked, but stepped back in alarm when he saw me standing here. 

"What's going on?" he asked. 

"There was a breach," I said. "In my room. They just took Luke to medical."

Bellamy pulled me into his room, his eyes wide. "Are you okay? Did you already go through decontamination?"

I stepped away from Bellamy. I shouldn't have gone to his room. "No," I said. "Sorry. They'll have to decontaminate you, too."

He didn't look too concerned. "That's fine. As long as you're okay."

We stood there for a minute, and I think both of us were going through a lot of emotions, because when Bellamy finally spoke again, he sounded angry. "What're you doing here, Clarke?"

I was taken aback. "I just told---"

"That's not what I mean and you know it," he said. "You've been acting weird all week. I'm sorry if I made things weird, okay? But you can't--- you can't keep doing this. I'm trying to do what you need me to. I'm seeing Georgia. I'm respecting you. But if you keep showing up and--- and acting like you care about me, then I'm---" He sucked in a breath, shaking his head. 

"You think it's easy for me?" I asked angrily, taking a step towards him. "You think I want to be thinking about you? I like Luke. I'm supposed to like Luke. If you're with Georgia and I'm with Luke then our people stay safe. And yet somehow, you're everywhere." I was too close to him. Almost closer than we'd been when he held me against the wall, when he'd almost kissed me. 

"So do something about it," Bellamy said, not backing down. 

"No," I said, stepping away. I turned my head, clenching my hands into fists. "I should go. I shouldn't have come here in the first place."

"Clarke," Bellamy said, and his voice sounded different. Not angry anymore. Just sad. "Please."

I turned back to him, tears in my eyes. 

"I'm sorry," he said. "Just... be my friend again. Please."

Every part of me wanted to. I wanted to forget everything I'd been feeling and go back to how we were before Mount Weather, without all the other complicated stuff. But I wasn't sure if it was possible. 

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