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King's Landing:

The gates of King's Landing loom before me and Ramsay as we prepare to confront my mother, Cersei Lannister, the current queen. We stand at the head of a small but determined force, ready to challenge Cersei's rule.

'Are you ready?' Ramsay whispers.

'As ready as I'll ever be. It's time to put an end to Cersei's reign.' I smile.

We approach the gates, where Lannister guards stand watch. Ramsay steps forward, his presence commanding attention.

'We seek an audience with Cersei Lannister. Tell her that Catherine Baratheon has returned to claim what is rightfully hers.' Ramsay speaks.

'Wait here.' a Lannister Guard speaks.

After a tense moment, the gates open, allowing me and Ramsay's entry into the Red Keep. We are escorted to the throne room, where Cersei awaits, seated upon the Iron Throne.

'Well, well. Look who's come crawling back.' Cersei smirks.

'I've come to take back the throne, Mother. Your time is over.' I smile.

'And who is this? Ramsay Bolton, the bastard of the north?' Cersei says mockingly.

'You will address Lady Catherine with respect, Cersei. She is the rightful heir to the throne.' Ramsay speaks.

'Oh, how amusing. You think you can just waltz in here and claim the crown?' Cersei laughs.

'I have the support of the people, Cersei. They are tired of your tyranny.' I say firmly.

'Guards! Seize them!' Cersei rises from her throne.

The Lannister Guards hesitate, unsure whether to obey.

'Choose wisely, men. Will you stand with a tyrant or support the rightful ruler?' Ramsay asks while drawing his sword.

The Guards exchange uncertain glances, some lowering their weapons.

'Join us, and together we can bring peace and justice to the realm.' I address the guards.

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