'The Throne Is Mine.'

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'You have no claim to the throne, Catherine. You are but a Baratheon by name, not by blood.' Cersei speaks.

'My father was Robert Baratheon, the rightful king. I have as much claim as anyone!' I snap.

'Your father's blood doesn't change the fact that you're a Lannister. The throne belongs to me.' Cersei says mockingly.

'The people know the truth, Cersei. They want a ruler who will bring stability and justice, not chaos.' I say firmly.

'You dare challenge me in my own castle? I will not yield!' Cersei says angrily.

'The throne is mine, Cersei. I will not back down.' I raise my voice.

Cersei's expression darkens with rage as she realises she's losing control of the situation.

'Guards! Seize Lady Catherine and Ramsay Bolton!'

Lannister Guards rush into the throne room, surrounding me and Ramsay with drawn weapons.

'You'll regret this, Cersei.' Ramsay speaks unsheathing his sword.

'Enough, Ramsay! We expected this.' I say calmly.

'Take them away. Throw them into the dungeons.' Cersei smirks.

I meet Cersei's gaze with steel determination, refusing to show fear as me and Ramsay get dragged away by the guards.

'The throne will be mine, Cersei. You cannot stop what is destined.' I say to Cersei.

Cersei watches with satisfaction as me and Ramsay are led away, the fate of the realm hanging in the balance.

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