The End.

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In the grandeur of the throne room, I sit confidently upon the Iron Throne, flanked by my Kingsguards. Ramsay stands before me, a hopeful grin on his face, anticipating my next move.

'My Lady, I've served you faithfully. What is your command?' Ramsay smirks.

'Ramsay, I appreciate everything you've done for me. You've taught me so much.' I say regally.

Ramsay's smile widens, believing he's about to receive the ultimate reward.

'However, your usefulness has come to an end.' I say, my voice turning cold.

Ramsay's expression shifts from smug confidence to confusion and fear as my words sink in.

'Wait.... what do you mean?' Ramsay asks confused.

'Kingsguards, execute him.' I say stoically.

Jaime Lannister, standing nearby, looks taken aback by my command, unsure of what he's witnessing.

'Catherine, surely there's another way...' Jaime starts.

'I have made my decision, Uncle Jaime.' I say firmly.

Ramsay's eyes widen with realisation as the Kingsguard seize him, dragging him forward.

'Catherine, you can't do this! I thought.... I thought we were partners!' Ramsay pleads.

'I decide who sits on the throne, Ramsay. And I will not share it.' I say coldly.

In the blink of an eye, the Kingsguard carry out my order, and Ramsay's lifeless body crumples to the floor of the throne room.

'Let it be known, loyalty is rewarded, but betrayal will not be tolerated.' I speak, rising from my throne, addressing the room. 'I am Catherine Lannister Baratheon, rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Let a new era begin.'

Silence fall over the throne room as my words echo, solidifying my reign and asserting my authority.

'Clean this mess up, Uncle. We have a realm to govern.' I say to Jaime.

Jaime nods silently, still processing the sudden turn of events, as I resume my seat on the Iron Throne, my expression unreadable.

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