Iwan And Sara Interview.

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The setting is a cosy studio with plush chairs and a small table between us and the host. The host, a cheerful interviewer, welcomed us to the show.

'Welcome, everyone! Today we have the talented actors behind Catherine Lannister Baratheon and Ramsay Bolton from Game Of Thrones. Please give a warm welcome to Sara Miller and Iwan Rheon!' the host speaks.

Applause and cheers from the audience are heard as we smile and wave.

'So great to have you both here. Let's dive right in! How does it feel to portray such iconic characters in the Game of Thrones universe?' the host asks.

'Thank you for having us. It's truly an honour. Catherine is a complex character with a lot of depth, and I loved exploring her journey.' I smile.

'Absolutely. Ramsay is... well, he's certainly a character! It's been a challenging and rewarding experience to bring his layers to life.' Iwan chuckles.

'Speaking of layers, let's talk about the dynamic between Catherine and Ramsay on screen. How would you describe their relationship?' the host asks.

'Hmm, Catherine and Ramsay have a.... complicated relationship, to say the least. There's a lot of tension and intrigue.' I chuckle.

'Indeed. Ramsay sees Catherine as a worthy adversary, and their interactions are always charged with excitement.' Iwan chuckles.

'And how about behind the scenes? Do you two get along as well as Catherine and Ramsay?' the host asks.

Me and Iwan laugh.

'Oh we definitely get along better than our characters do.' I chuckle.

'Absolutely. We have a great time on set, whether we're filming intense battle scenes or just goofing around between takes.' Iwan chuckles.

'Any funny or memorable moments you can share with us?' the host chuckles.

'There was this one time when Sara accidentally tripped over her own cloak during a dramatic entrance...' Iwan starts laughing.

'Hey, I blame the wardrobe department for that one.' I playfully hit Iwan.

Everyone bursts into laughter.

'Sounds like a blast. Now, if Catherine and Ramsay were to team up in real life, what would they conquer together?' the host asks.

'Hmmm, probably a cooking show. Ramsay's skills with a sword might translate well into the kitchen.' I chuckle.

'I'd have to agree. We'd rule the culinary world, one dish at a time.' Iwan chuckles.

'Next question. Some fans speculate that Ramsay had genuine feelings for Catherine. What are your thoughts on this?' the host asks.

'Ah. Yes. Well, you see, Ramsay is not just a man of swords and battles. Deep down, I believe he had a soft spot for Catherine. There was something about her that intrigued him.' Iwan explains.

'Interesting perspective. And Sara, how do you think Catherine felt about Ramsay?' the host asks.

'Oh, Ramsay Ramsay Ramsay. I'm not entirely convinced that Catherine returned those feelings.' I smirk playfully.

Laughter from the audience.

'Oh, do tell us more.' the host chuckles.

'Oh come on, Catherine. Don't be so harsh on poor Ramsay. He was just misunderstood.' Iwan looks at me.

'Misunderstood indeed. I think Catherine had other priorities, like ruling the Seven Kingdoms.' I chuckle.

'Fair point. But I choose to believe there was a spark between them, even if it was one sided.' Iwan laughs.

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