11. Paula's dangerous game

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– What are you doing here? – I asked instead of greeting him.

In response, Victor smirked mischievously and leaned towards me.

– I came here for you – he replied in a conspiratorial whisper, his warm breath tickling my neck.

I reluctantly shook off the pleasant numbness his proximity caused me and looked at him as if he had just announced he was running for president.

– And seriously? – I muttered, sending him a skeptical look.

– Seriously, I'm just relaxing, watching beautiful women, and drinking alcohol.

– On a weekday?

– And who's asking? – he muttered, sending me a meaningful glance. – Shouldn't you be buried in books right now?

– Indeed – I reluctantly agreed, mentally giving him a point for being quick–witted. – But my friend needed my help urgently.

– And you dressed up for her? – Victor gave me a look that seemed less than convinced and assessed everything I was wearing.

– That's thanks to the owner – I muttered, pointing to the table upstairs where Lu had already returned and was now looking in our direction along with Mirabela. – There's no arguing with her about it. She considers herself my second mother. I had to let her dress me up and fix my hair, and you see the result.

– Very nice result – he observed, still scanning my body with his eyes. – Does your pilot let you out on your own like this? Isn't he afraid someone might steal you from him?

– Who? – I asked, not quite sure whom Victor was referring to.

– You know, that guy...? – He made a vague gesture with his hands. – The one who called you last time. Your boyfriend?

– Oh, Alex – I put the pieces together, and Victor nodded confirming that my guess was correct.

– Well, that guy... – he paused for a moment, as if he had choked on air and couldn't cough up any more words – ...Alex – he finally managed to say with difficulty.

I smiled at the way he said it, and it occurred to me that he was very interested in the subject for someone who, I had already made it clear to him last time, wouldn't be hopping into bed with me.

– Alex isn't my boyfriend – I responded reflexively.

– No? – Victor's eyes sparkled with interest. – But you mentioned...

– We're just seeing each other – I cut him off. "It's too early to call it anything.

Victor fell silent for a moment, wearing a thoughtful expression.

– And when you do decide to call it something, it won't bother him that you're also seeing me? – he asked.

– Are we seeing each other? You weren't exactly talkative since our last outing.

I looked at him slyly, and he averted his gaze.

– I've been busy – he muttered curtly. – And I didn't want to intrude in your life and bother you two. You and the Pilot.

I shot Victor a puzzled look. What?

– Why would you be a bother? – I asked, not quite understanding where he was going with this.

– Well, you know... – he started, sending me a glance that seemed to convey something, but I couldn't for the life of me figure it out.

– I don't know – I said.

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