25. Old acquaintance

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In a room that looked almost identical to Victor's, I put on an elegant, backless black jumpsuit and had to admit that Victor had an eye for sizes. The outfit fit perfectly, as if it had been tailored for me, and matched my taste exactly.

The material was so light that I felt like I was wearing a second skin, and since I wasn't wearing any underwear – because the magnanimous Victor somehow didn't realize that I might need something beyond what his eyes could see – the feeling of lightness was even more pronounced. So much so that if I hadn't looked in the mirror before leaving the room and thrown on the black blazer that came with the outfit, I would have felt like I wasn't wearing anything at all.

Ten minutes before the appointed time, dressed and scented, I descended to the lobby where both gentlemen were already waiting for me. Marcel looked distinctly grumpy, while Victor tried to appear stoically calm, but his fingers, constantly seeking something to do, gave him away. He was tapping his fingertips on the armrest of the chair, and as soon as he noticed me, he sprang from his seat, crossed the lobby at lightning speed, and stood at the foot of the grand staircase.

– You look stunning – he said with a voice full of admiration, as if I were a bride walking down the aisle rather than just a friend dressed to impress for a business deal.

– I'm not going to deny it – I agreed, giving him a gracious look. – But maybe next time you think of buying someone clothes, consider some underwear too – I casually pointed out his oversight, and Victor's expression changed instantly.

– So you mean you're wearing just this and nothing else? – he asked, his darkened gaze wandering over the black chiffon as he loosened his navy tie.

– I didn't really have a choice – I replied, brushing past him as if it were nothing and leaving him behind.

I felt his burning gaze on me as Marcel led us down the corridor to the meeting. He kept a step behind me the whole time, and I delighted in swaying my hips so he had something to look at.

– Did you tell me that on purpose? – he asked, leaning over my ear as we reached the door of a glass-walled room that looked like a small conference room. – When I think about you swaying that ass with no panties on... – He took a deep breath and gave me a predatory look, loosening his tie even more. – It's a good thing I didn't buy you a dress. The thought of having been inside that ass so recently makes me hot.

– You get distracted way too easily – I remarked, giving him a look that mixed amusement with pity.

I smiled sweetly, raising one corner of my mouth, and reached for his loosened tie to retighten the knot properly, causing Victor to freeze instantly. He swallowed loudly and fixed his gaze on me with full concentration.

– Victor, Victor, Victor... – I crooned his name melodically, tightening the knot decisively and then smoothing the collar of his shirt with both hands. – You'd better get a grip and keep your erection away from me and your business. For your own good – I advised politely, patting his cheek casually.

Victor opened his mouth, presumably to say something, but Marcel, who was a few steps ahead of us, interrupted.

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