19. Dream or reality

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I opened my eyes and looked around the dimly lit room. The small lamp that usually glowed next to my bed was off, and instead, a much softer, warm light filled the space, its source eluding me entirely.

Victor was sitting beside me, wearing nothing but a white towel wrapped around his hips. His skin was dry, but tiny droplets of water still clung to his short– cropped hair, indicating he had just come out of the shower. However, that wasn't the most important detail.

His hand was resting on my left breast, with his fingers gently circling around the nipple, occasionally teasing it. Meanwhile, the fingers of his other hand were trailing up and down my chest along the uneven scar that had been there for several years and which I still despised. I blinked a few times, piecing together the sensations and images surrounding me.

– You slept for a long time – Victor murmured, giving me a lazy smile.

– What are you doing? – I asked the first question that came to mind, watching his hands, which were still tirelessly roaming over my exposed skin.

It was only then that I realized I was completely naked, even though I had been wearing panties and a shirt before I fell asleep.

– Waiting – he announced, as if that had anything to do with his actions.

I furrowed my brow, trying to connect the dots, which wasn't easy because half of my consciousness was still asleep, and the little creature inside me was just lazily stretching.

– For what?

– You know very well what for – Victor murmured, looking at me in a way that sent an unpleasant shiver through my entire body.

I focused my gaze on him. He seemed like the same person I had spoken with a few hours ago, but his look had changed. The familiar chocolate eyes were gone, replaced by almost black ones that showed no hint of gentleness, only hunger, more intense than I had ever seen before.

– I don't understand – I replied, but the scattered thoughts in my head were already beginning to come together.

Without taking my eyes off his changed face, I covered my naked breasts with the blanket. Victor gave me an amused look, traced the edge of the fabric with his finger, smiling to himself, then fixed me with a burning gaze that would have made me squirm if my entire body didn't hurt.

– You have a beautiful body – Victor said, running his finger along the line of the blanket on my skin, tickling me lightly, which would have been very pleasant if not for the highly unsettling circumstances. – I clearly remember every curve I had access to yesterday, but I still feel a slight dissatisfaction. – He stopped his hand and looked at me meaningfully, and I froze, giving him a questioning look. – There are still parts of your body you haven't let me explore,– he whispered, sliding the blanket off my naked breasts.

Another shiver ran through my body, and I felt as if all my strength had suddenly been drained, leaving me unable to move even a single finger.

– Can you stop? – I growled and covered my body again as much as the blanket, on which he was sitting, allowed.

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