24. Berlin

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Until the end of the journey, as part of my ostentatious rebellion, I didn't say a word to Victor, and he didn't stop even once, only glancing at me from time to time. When we passed the sign announcing that we were entering Berlin, his chocolate eyes lingered on me for a while longer, but I still pretended not to notice.

– How long are you going to sulk at me? – he asked, smiling as if nothing had happened.

I tore my gaze away from the window through which I was watching the streets of Berlin and graciously looked into his chocolate eyes.

The little being living inside me narrowed its eyes to slits, which in its case meant that at least it would never forgive him, and since it wouldn't, neither would I.

– Screw off – I retorted, giving him an icy look and then looking away again.

– Don't do this to me, Snowflake – Victor said in a low voice, and I turned around again just in time to see the devilish mischief in his eyes. – When you're mad, I want you even more, and when I remember that I can't do anything about it, my heart hurts terribly.

Victor put on a pathetic show of an expression and placed his hand over his heart as if he actually felt some kind of chest pain, and I gave him a disgusted look from head to toe.

– Do you think I'll feel sorry for your dick? – I snorted. – And don't call me „Snowflake".

– Alright, Snowflake – Victor agreed with devilish glee, then grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

I looked at him like he was crazy and yanked my hand, but he didn't let go. Still holding my wrist, he pulled my hand towards himself. He placed it on the hard bulge in his pants and began rubbing it over the fabric, breathing heavily, and when I stopped resisting, he let go.

– See? It's already hard – he whispered, smiling with a predatory glint in his eye. – As always, thanks to you. You could feel a little sorry for it, though. It's very tight in there now...

He fixed me with a hungry gaze, and I smiled sweetly at him, hiding the fangs that were growing at lightning speed down to the ground under that sugary coating.

– Then take some pill to calm it down – I snapped in an icy tone, without a hint of a smile. – Or use your hand.

A shadow of disappointment crossed Victor's face, which I observed with wild delight, but before I could revel in my little triumph, the beast smiled again, this time cunningly.

– Would you like to see it? – he perked up.

I looked down with theatrical disdain at his penis hidden in his pants and grimaced ostentatiously.

– I don't want to have any contact with it. Not even visual – I declared in a tone full of contempt, moving away as much as the limited space in the car allowed, and turned ostentatiously towards the window.

Victor said nothing more, just shook his head, smiling slightly. After about forty-five minutes, he parked the car in the driveway in front of the hotel entrance, and before he could even get out, a familiar face of the bearded Marcel approached him.

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