34. Misunderstanding

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– It seems to be working – he said, wrapping his arms around my waist again. – You're getting angry. Would you be mad if it wasn't about business but about sex?

– You have an overly high opinion of yourself – I replied tartly, trying to wriggle out of his arms, but he held me tighter and pressed his body against mine.

– Maybe. But you know what? – he asked, grabbing my buttocks and tickling my neck with his breath, making most of the strength I had gathered to escape his embrace fade away. – Out of all the women I've met, none of them felt as good as you. I'd give up thousands of Olivias just to make love to you again. And since we already don't have any clothes on, maybe we can end with a better finale than the one you gave me?

– So you can get back at me and stop when I'm begging you for an orgasm? – I retorted skeptically but didn't move an inch, still paralyzed by his closeness.

Victor smiled kindly.

– I'm not excited by taking away pleasure, only by giving it – he declared. – And I couldn't deny it to you, especially. You're the most real when you're enjoying yourself.

– No way. I told you...

– Yes, yes, Snowflake. I know. You and your obsession with keeping your pussy just for the Pilot – he whispered directly into my ear, planting a long kiss on my neck, then turned me around and pushed me onto the bed.

Before I could react, I landed on my knees on the mattress, diving headfirst into the pillows. Victor stood behind me, inhaling loudly.

– How I envy that guy – he sighed, grabbing my buttocks and squeezing them, making me involuntarily tense my back muscles and arch my back slightly.

Victor had a strange effect on me. I knew every subsequent encounter with him led to the inevitable disaster of our relationship, but he had something... And with devilish precision, he touched me as if he had a detailed manual for my body.

– Don't turn around, Paulina – he requested, grabbing my hips. – I just want to look at it. Just this one more time.

He leaned over me and bit the skin on my neck, causing a pleasant shiver to run down my spine, once again sapping my strength to think independently.

– You have a beautiful ass too – he said, caressing each buttock individually, then ran his tongue from my pussy to my anus, circling around the entrance where he had climaxed last time.

I sighed softly, still battling my thoughts, while Victor pressed even closer.

– So? – he asked in a low voice. – Are we done with this circus and making love the way we both want?

I didn't respond, fighting an internal battle, and closed my eyes for a moment. I wanted to feel him inside me just one more time. To feel him sliding into me. To moan as he thrusts into me deeply and violently with each push...

I turned my head towards him and looked straight into his darkened eyes, the pupils so wide I could see myself in them. Engaging in this with him made no logical sense. Friends couldn't have sex. I shook my head with great regret, mustering the will to refuse.

Victor sighed heavily but didn't back off.

– Come on, beautiful – he whispered softly. – Just this one more time. To make sure the first one was good. Your Pilot won't even notice. Just this one.

He grabbed my buttocks as if that would change my mind, and I closed my eyes, increasingly powerless against his skillful fingers and chocolate eyes that always made me fall for him before I could logically consider my actions. I mumbled incoherently in protest and tried to break free from his grip, but he stopped me with a gentle yet firm motion.

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