4. Uncovering Clues

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Detective Gagnon finds himself lost in thought sits on his chair, chin in hand, wondering the possible scenarios of the night of the murder. Beside him, Detective Côté is busy checking years of Claire's psychiatric reports.

Their thoughts are interrupted by the shrill ringing of the phone. Gagnon reaches for the receiver. "Gilles Gagnon speaking," he answers.

"Hi, I have good news and bad news for you," voice on the line says in playful tone. "We've completed the autopsy on Jacques Savoie."

Detective Gagnon puts the phone on speaker, both are listening intently to the forensic technician's report.

"Speak Mario!" He instructs.

"Yes, Sir! Based on his rigor mortis, victim probably has been deceased for twelve to fifteen hours prior finding," the technician explains.

"Likely he is dead between 10 pm and 1 am. All 27 wounds were made by the same weapon. Three fatal cuts across his left ventricle, pericardium, and next to his bronchus, severing his breathing path and causing excessive bleeding."

"We know this, Mario. Give us something new," Detective Côté chimes in.

"What about DNA and blood test results?" Detective Gagnon adds.

"High level of alcohol toxicity in his blood," the technician shares, feeling challenged. "0.27 BAC, he was already in respiratory distress before the murder happened. The intoxication was so severe, and he was struggling to keep his body upright. He had diabetes, so those wounds would have led to his death rapidly."

"So, he was already incapacitated, which explains the lack of resistance," Kim remarks.

"Exactly. Anyone could have easily overpowered him in this condition. As for DNA results, only the suspects and witnesses." He concludes. "The blood test of the suspect confirms the high level of anti depressant, anti histamine and 0,19 BAC of alcohol. All combined will create a potent hallucinogen."

Detective Gagnon frowns, and suddenly he remembers the black hair he found at the site. "Mario, what about the hair?"

"We are still running tests and searching for a match in our database. It appears to be a woman's hair from a race other than white. We'll get back to you in a maximum of two days."

"Thank you for the update," detective Gagnon hang up.


With a heavy sigh, Detective Gagnon sets aside the statements and leans back in his chair. "I'm going home."

"Yeah, you're stinky," Kim says, rubbing her nose.

"You brat," he replies, pursing his lips. He then smells his armpit and laughs. "Well, I guess I should. It's been three days since I've been home. You too should go home." He instructs while departing.

Detective Côté is looking at Claire's psychiatric report, the one they got from her psychologist. The report was dated from 35 years ago. Claire was 25 years old, and the examination was conducted by her previous psychiatrist before dr. Tremblay.

Medical History: childhood sexual abuse (SA).

Presenting issues: post partum depression added domestic violence.

Current symptoms: anxiety, psychosis with moderate delusions.

Medical evaluation: a high risk of exacerbating self-harm tendencies, which in turn will impede her ability to care for her daughters.

Treatment Plan:

1. Psychotherapy: implement cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

2. Medication Management: antidepressants or mood stabilizers.

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