8. Testimony of Valérie

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"Jacques... Jacques..." Pham glances at Claire, who seems peacefully asleep, her breathing steady. Unnerved, Pham rewinds the recording, listening intently. The room feels colder, the soft, haunting voice, sending a shiver down her spine.

Suddenly, Claire bolts upright in bed, her eyes wide open and filled with terror. "He's here," she whispers, her voice trembling with fear. Pham jumps, nearly dropping the phone in shock. She rushes to Claire's side, with panic. "Claire, who's here?" Claire's gaze is distant, her body tense and trembling uncontrollably.

The situation sends the medics rushing in to administer a higher dose of tranquilizer to Claire. "Will she be okay?" Pham asks the nurse who is adjusting Claire's IV solution.

"It'll take some time for her to recover, but don't worry, dear. She's lucky to have you here," the nurse says, offering Pham some encouragement before departing.

Around 9 a.m., Detective Côté arrives to visit Claire and speak with her doctor. The doctor, a man in his 60s, sits in his office, wearing his white coat as he welcomes Detective Côté for the consultation.

"Good morning, Detective. Please, have a seat," says the doctor, who is responsible for Claire's health.

Detective Côté sits in the chair across from him. "Thank you, Doctor. Regarding Mrs. LeBlanc's condition... I heard she had another major psychotic episode last night."

"Indeed," the doctor replies. "It wasn't as severe as her previous episode, but it was enough to further destabilize her psyche."

"As law enforcement, we need her testimony to seek justice in this case. Do you think it will be possible to get her statement?" Detective Côté explains her role and concern.

"Given her condition, I'm afraid we can't force her," the doctor says, explaining the limitations.

Detective Côté pushes harder. "Do you think it is possible she could be faking her condition?"

"No, not as far as I can tell," the doctor responds firmly.

"How long will it take until she's ready to give a statement?" Detective Côté asks, her frustration evident.

"I can't say for sure. In her case, it could take anywhere from a few days to a month," the doctor replies.

"Thank you, Doctor, for your cooperation," Detective Côté says, disappointment clear in her voice as she leaves the office.


Meanwhile, in his office, detective Gagnon is waiting for his next witness to come and give the testimony He looks up as Valérie Leblanc strides into his office, her presence like a dark storm rolling in, unavoidable and full of electricity.

She wears a red dress that clings to her curves, covering her oversized boobs, and paired with thigh-high boots that suggest a touch of danger.

Her long, shiny black hair cascades down her back in loose waves, framing her face. Her lips painted a deep, bitchy red, curl into a smirk as she surveys the room, her gaze lingering judgmentally on everyone she deems beneath her.

Despite the bold exterior, Detective Gagnon senses something simmering beneath the surface. Her brown eyes, reveal a flicker of vulnerability.

As she takes a seat opposite him, Gagnon feels an involuntary pull, her presence is so compelling that reminds him, he I still a man.

Detective Gagnon clears his throat, breaking the silence that hangs heavily in the air. "Ms. Leblanc, thank you for coming in today," he begins, his tone professional. "Please have a seat! Anything I can offer you to drink?"

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